Hmm, ok, to recap:
* there was a suggestion for an "associate" membership that we could give
out freely to interested teachers / lecturers etc, which would swell our
numbers, making us a more viable campaigning body and giving us a bigger
voice when speaking to government, etc.
* there's also been mention of an AFFSED (AFFS education network) /
AFFSEdIG (AFFS education interest group), for people specifically
interested in the issues of Free Software in Education to interact
(possibly through separate mailing list, for example).
* there's also been mention of associating/partnering/allying with
schoolforge-uk, to avoid duplication of effort.
To be honest, I think we should go for all three --
- AFFS needs to be bigger (because there's too much work for the existing
active members, but more importantly, because people won't take an
association with 60-odd members as seriously as 60,000).
- AFFS needs to work on the education focus, and a SIG may help focus that
and reduce subject-specific traffic on the main list (kudos to the work
Richard Smedley has done so far, but all our campaigns need more work /
- We should build on our relationships with other organisations, but be
careful not to wind up with us all being members of all of them.
Partnering is the solution to this, I suspect.