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Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?
From: |
Martin WHEELER |
Subject: |
Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question? |
Date: |
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 10:59:20 +0000 (UTC) |
On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Neil Darlow wrote:
> Very probably but contrast the ability for Joe Public to buy a copy of e.g.
> Sage or QuickBooks, install it and be up and running within half an hour with
> the need to install apache, MySQL and SQL Ledger and configure them before
> being able to start working.
> Let's not forget these are people who wouldn't have a clue how to install a
> RPM and yet we're advocating this as a solution. It's fine for those running
> support companies because it earns them money but, let's be sensible here,
> installing Windows software is pretty much a no-brainer these days. The same
> can't be said of comparable free software.
Have you installed, say, XP recently?
(Tears; grief; frustration and multiple re-boots?)
Then made a direct comparison with installing Knoppix to hard-disk?
(boot from CD; Ctl-Alt-Fn to a command-line tty, and run
In half-an-hour you've got everything you want. Installed.
Hell, it even gives you a copy of MagicPoint with embedded animations
(xclock runs in one of the demo presentations out the box as I
remember), and the ability to feed inline command-line results back into
the presentation frame.
You want your own version with SQL Ledger included?
Amend the contents of the CD to suit, and re-distribute, as the
educational and medical versions have already done.
Tailor it to fit the exact degree of point-and-drool limitation of your
intended user audience, and there you are.
The no-brainer activity here is very definitely installing Knoppix.
XP is a nightmare (and can go blow, for my money).
Horses for courses.
Martin Wheeler - StarTEXT / AVALONIX - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
address@hidden http://www.startext.co.uk/mwheeler/
GPG pub key : 01269BEB 6CAD BFFB DB11 653E B1B7 C62B AC93 0ED8 0126 9BEB
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- RE: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Chris Puttick, 2003/06/09
- RE: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Chris Puttick, 2003/06/10
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Robin Green, 2003/06/10
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, ian, 2003/06/12
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Ramanan Selvaratnam, 2003/06/12
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Alex Hudson, 2003/06/12
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Simon Waters, 2003/06/12
- Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?, Alex Hudson, 2003/06/12
- Message not available
- SSO (Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), Alex Hudson, 2003/06/12
- Re: SSO (Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?), Ramanan Selvaratnam, 2003/06/12