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[Fsfe-uk] Someone to write about Legal issues

From: Alex McLintock
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] Someone to write about Legal issues
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 11:09:27 +0100

Hi folks,

I'm going to spend some time after the end of my current contract to put together the skeleton of a book
about Open Source and Free Software aimed at managers and company directors.

I am reasonably happy that I know about most of the issues from a business point of view, or know
people to ask, but one thing missing is the legal opinion.

I can describe in laymans terms the differences between the GPL, LGPL, Apache SL, and perl's artistic license
but I am wondering whether I need this chapter to be written by a lawyer.

Since there would be almost no profit in this book I can't imagine that any expert lawyer would want to
help out for free. I know at least one legal academic who may be able to help.

Any ideas folks?

(And yes there will be a section on why Free Software and Open Source Software are slightly different :-)

Alex McLintock

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