Free markets are working because of competition.
How can free markets be working when large numbers of people live in poverty?
In order
to have price stability and innovation, it is very
helpful to have as much competition as possible.
An (democratically made) agreement to keep prices stable, should also keep
prices stable. Cooperation is more efficent than competeion, how much effort
is expanded by in being compatiable with Microsoft Office, and
how much resources does Microsoft spend in being incompatible, or spreading
FUD? Also consider the cost of developing 2 office suites instead of one.
However, even patents have their place where investments are so high,
that without a "protected" market the risk of investment is too high, and
therefore the absence of a monopoly market for some time would prevent
the development of i.e. medication that is beneficial to society.
Public funding (distrubuted on a democratic basis) would solve that.
Patents therefore should be used as remedy for problems that free
markets are not setup to solve, not as general applicable principle.
A general principle of ownership for a few of something that should be
able to be owned (through copyright) by many should be called feudalism.
No, that's class society, of which capitalism and feudalism are examples.
I do not see why it can be claimed that it is socialism
What are you saying is claimed is socialism?
when competition is promoted,
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