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copy of a Reply to Ian Lynch Re: [Fsfe-uk] AbiWord

From: John Seago
Subject: copy of a Reply to Ian Lynch Re: [Fsfe-uk] AbiWord
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 22:16:10 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.7.2

On Wednesday 09 Mar 2005 19:05, Ian Lynch wrote:

> Abiword has some advantages in being separable from the other apps and
> presumably its smaller and will run on lower spec machines. Bu t do keep
> in mind that in terms of file format OASIS is the most likely common
> denominator with a chance of getting mass take up to displace .doc.

I have removed it from my machine, I only occasionally need 'written' 
letters, the  that one has to pay 29p for a stamp + the paper + the 
envelope, over six shillings in what I grew up with. I'll just use plain 
text via a text editor, desite having been a compositor/graphic designer 
in the days when we still set type by hand, ( I must find a museum that 
wants my tools). I did take, as can be seen, exception to people telling 
me not to use a tool that didn't do X, Y and Z when in fact it did all the 
things that they were insisting that it should as a minimum do. I am still 
of the opinion that Government departments need informing, particularly as 
it is part of Gnome, at least it was in Slackware 10.1 but I only used 
AbiWord and KDE + KOffice  
John Seago
GNU/Linux User #219566 http://counter.li.org
AFFS http://www.affs.org.uk/

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