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Re: G-Wrap, helping out on the G2 port

From: Andreas Rottmann
Subject: Re: G-Wrap, helping out on the G2 port
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 18:45:12 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Derek Atkins <address@hidden> writes:

> Andreas Rottmann <address@hidden> writes:
>>> (but perhaps built against glib-2 instead of glib-1.2).
>> You'll have to talk this over with Rob.
> IMHO, any releases of g-wrap > 1.3.4 should use the gnome2/gtk2/glib2
> interfaces.  Gnucash only cares about glib; we don't use any gtk/gnome
> interfaces directly from scheme.
It's just that wrapping gnome2/gtk2/glib2 is considered (at least by
me) outside of the scope of G-Wrap (1.5+, that is). 1.4 will keep the
GLib bindings, but Rob has to decide wether to update them to GLib2.

>>> While I'm very happy to see g-wrap development progressing, it's at a
>>> point where I'd like to see gnucash's dependency on gnome get reduced.
> Er, this should have read "gnucash's dependency on GUILE".  Sorry.
Hmm, the impression i've got was that GnuCash will stay depending on
Guile for the foreseeable future.

>> Well, Guile-GObject will be split into core (including GLib/GObject
>> stuff) and other modules, like GTK+ (in fact this a requirement to
>> fulfill the Platform Bindings rules), so you would only have to depend
>> on the core of Guile-GObject (which will be renamed into Guile-GNOME
>> in the future).
> Oh, great, so now I get to un-confuse people about the old guild-gnome
> from the NEW guile-gnome??  *sighs*
The old thing was named gnome-guile, IIRC, but it's supposed to be
dead. There are currently two development strains active: guile-gtk,
which wraps the 1.2 GTK stuff and Guile-GObject, which will be the
*one-and-only-true* Guile-Gnome ;).

Andreas Rottmann         | address@hidden      | address@hidden | address@hidden
http://yi.org/rotty      | GnuPG Key: http://yi.org/rotty/gpg.asc
Fingerprint              | DFB4 4EB4 78A4 5EEE 6219  F228 F92F CFC5 01FD 5B62

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