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Re: Preliminary webpage, manual, release

From: Rob Browning
Subject: Re: Preliminary webpage, manual, release
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2004 16:19:15 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Andreas Rottmann <address@hidden> writes:

> I've just uploaded a preliminary webpage (including the manual).  The
> content is mainly the one I had on my site plus some
> restructuring.

That looks really good.  Does that manual content cover stuff that's
only in 1.9?  If so then let's version the link(s):

  Manual (1.4)
  Manual (beta)

etc., or maybe

    - 1.4
    - beta

If the manual doesn't cover 1.9 stuff, then I'd say the page is good

> I've also imported the Wiki sources into g-wrap--www--0 in my
> archive, so Rob, could you branch that?

Did you mean g-wrap-www--dev--0, and if so, does this look right?

  $ tla archive-setup  g-wrap-www--dev--0
  $ tla tag address@hidden/g-wrap-www--dev--0--base-0 \

Also, what's involved in going from that to the actual web pages?
It'd be nice if we could have a "make update" or similar that we can
call after making and committing changes.

> A minor note: How does one properly capitalize g-wrap? I somewhat
> prefer G-Wrap, the manual uses g-wrap (capitalized when at the
> beginning of a sentence)...

I've been inconsistent, caused by a tension between my general
preference for non-cap symbols (a la scheme), and the fact that it
*is* a proper name :>  (I don't even feel all that strongly about the
name itself, but unless someone came up with something really good,
it's almost certainly not worth the effort to change it.)

So you prefer G-Wrap to G-wrap as well?  If so, then I'm fine with

> I'll start preparing a G-Wrap 1.9.0 release, so be warned that I'll
> contact you about that, Rob (as only project admins are allowed to
> upload files).

I'm working on getting my repo synced with yours as we speak.  I
should either have it done or have some questions in the next day or
so.  I'm just trying to make sure I don't do something stupid with
arch, which I still don't entirely trust myself with.

Rob Browning
rlb @defaultvalue.org and @debian.org; previously @cs.utexas.edu
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