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[gawk-diffs] [SCM] gawk branch, cmake, updated. 3ac1e3fcac5919fcac6b5653

From: Juergen Kahrs
Subject: [gawk-diffs] [SCM] gawk branch, cmake, updated. 3ac1e3fcac5919fcac6b5653e2ee6488ed69808b
Date: Fri, 03 May 2013 18:02:36 +0000

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "gawk".

The branch, cmake has been updated
       via  3ac1e3fcac5919fcac6b5653e2ee6488ed69808b (commit)
      from  ea2b78528d646e4d60a8e8a13d40db2e1b03feac (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

commit 3ac1e3fcac5919fcac6b5653e2ee6488ed69808b
Author: Juergen Kahrs <address@hidden>
Date:   Fri May 3 20:02:24 2013 +0200

    377 test cases, 84 fail, sorted out test cases that hang and test cases 
that fail.

diff --git a/test/CMakeLists.txt b/test/CMakeLists.txt
index cdd3ed8..72aae56 100644
--- a/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -28,41 +28,90 @@ if(WIN32)
   set(SHELL_PREFIX "C:\\MinGW\\msys\\1.0\\bin\\sh")
-string(REGEX REPLACE "_TESTS "            ";" ALL_TESTS "${ALL_TESTS}")
-foreach(testgroup ${ALL_TESTS} )
+# Find the names of the groups of tests in
+string(REGEX MATCHALL "[A-Z_]*_TESTS "                      ALL_GROUPS 
+string(REGEX REPLACE "_TESTS "                          ";" ALL_GROUPS 
+# For each group of test cases, search through and find the test 
+foreach(testgroup ${ALL_GROUPS} )
   string(REGEX MATCH "${testgroup}_TESTS = [a-z0-9_ \\\n\t]*" ONE_GROUP 
   string(REGEX REPLACE "${testgroup}_TESTS = "             "" ONE_GROUP 
   string(REGEX REPLACE "[\\\n\t]"                          "" ONE_GROUP 
   string(REGEX REPLACE " "                                ";" ONE_GROUP 
+  # Use each name of a test case to start a script that executes the test case.
+  # Some test cases are special, treat them accordingly.
   foreach(testcase ${ONE_GROUP} )
     set(options "")
+    set(suffix  "")
     if(${testcase} STREQUAL lintold)
       set(options "--lint-old")
+      add_test(${testcase} ${SHELL_PREFIX} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/basictest 
${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gawk ${testcase}  ${options} )
-    if(${testcase} STREQUAL defref   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL fmtspcl  OR
-       ${testcase} STREQUAL lintwarn OR ${testcase} STREQUAL noeffect OR
-       ${testcase} STREQUAL nofmtch  OR ${testcase} STREQUAL shadow   OR
-       ${testcase} STREQUAL uninit2  OR ${testcase} STREQUAL uninit3  OR
-       ${testcase} STREQUAL uninit4  OR ${testcase} STREQUAL uninit5  OR
+    if(${testcase} STREQUAL defref     OR ${testcase} STREQUAL fmtspcl       OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL lintwarn   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL noeffect      OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL nofmtch    OR ${testcase} STREQUAL shadow        OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL uninit2    OR ${testcase} STREQUAL uninit3       OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL uninit4    OR ${testcase} STREQUAL uninit5       OR
        ${testcase} STREQUAL uninitialized)
       set(options "--lint")
-    endif()
     # Check for test cases that cause a "hang" in test case execution.
     # Each of them has to be analysed until all of them disappear from this 
-    if(${testcase} STREQUAL getline2 OR ${testcase} STREQUAL litoct    OR
-       ${testcase} STREQUAL nonl     OR ${testcase} STREQUAL poundbang OR
-       ${testcase} STREQUAL beginfile1 OR ${testcase} STREQUAL manyfiles OR
-       ${testcase} STREQUAL rsstart2 OR ${testcase} STREQUAL strftime OR
+    elseif(
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL getline2   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL litoct        OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL nonl       OR ${testcase} STREQUAL poundbang     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL beginfile1 OR ${testcase} STREQUAL manyfiles     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL rsstart2   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL strftime      OR
        ${testcase} STREQUAL readdir
-      add_test(${testcase} ${SHELL_PREFIX} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/basictest 
${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gawk ${testcase}_FAILS  ${options} )
-    else()
-      add_test(${testcase} ${SHELL_PREFIX} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/basictest 
${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gawk ${testcase}  ${options} )
+      set(suffix  "_HANGS")
+    # These are the test cases that fail.
+    # Some of them may reveal genuine bugs.
+    # Most of them need fail because they need to be invoked with a special 
+    elseif(
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL argarray   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL argtest       OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL arynocls   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _awkpath      OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL badargs    OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _beginfile2   OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL binmode1   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _charasbytes  OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL colonwarn  OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _compare      OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL devfd      OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _devfd1       OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL devfd2     OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _dumpvars     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL exit       OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _exitval1     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL fflush     OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _fmtspcl      OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL fsspcoln   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _fts          OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL gsubtst3   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _incdupe      OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL incdupe2   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _incdupe3     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL incdupe4   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _incdupe5     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL incdupe6   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _incdupe7     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL include2   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _inetdayt     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL inetdayu   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _inetecht     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL inetechu   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _inftest      OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL inplace1   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _inplace2     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL inplace3   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _jarebug      OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL leaddig    OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _localenl     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL mbfw1      OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _mbprintf1    OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL messages   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _mmap8k       OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL mpfrbigint OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _mpfrexprange OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL mpfrnr     OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _mpfrrnd      OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL next       OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _nofile       OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL nondec2    OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _nors         OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL ordchr2    OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _pid          OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL pipeio2    OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _posix2008sub OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL printf0    OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _printfbad2   OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL profile1   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _profile2     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL profile3   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _readfile     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL redfilnm   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _regtest      OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL rsnulbig   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _rsnulbig2    OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL rsstart3   OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _rtlen        OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL rtlen01    OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _rtlenmb      OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL space      OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _strftlng     OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL symtab6    OR ${testcase} STREQUAL _symtab8      OR
+       ${testcase} STREQUAL testext
+      )
+      set(suffix  "_FAILS")
+    add_test(${testcase} ${SHELL_PREFIX} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/basictest 
${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gawk ${testcase}${suffix}  ${options} )


Summary of changes:
 test/CMakeLists.txt |   85 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)


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