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[gawk-diffs] [SCM] gawk branch, cmake, updated. gawk-4.1.0-710-g2092a35

From: Juergen Kahrs
Subject: [gawk-diffs] [SCM] gawk branch, cmake, updated. gawk-4.1.0-710-g2092a35
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:12:38 +0000

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "gawk".

The branch, cmake has been updated
       via  2092a35f5833a74b1f606f93f318d6189a8450de (commit)
       via  1f4bd1601d0abb51db4cf28d0a3b51d8661bda94 (commit)
      from  70bc75567b2ea3e0309b9171168bc1d2c1cadf43 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

commit 2092a35f5833a74b1f606f93f318d6189a8450de
Author: Juergen Kahrs <address@hidden>
Date:   Tue Aug 12 17:11:20 2014 +0200

    Moved README.cmake to README_d/README.cmake.

diff --git a/README.cmake b/README.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index b291d1b..0000000
--- a/README.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-CMake is a build automation system
-We try to use it as a replacement for the established GNU build system.
-This attempt is currently only experimental. If you wonder why anyone
-should do this, read
-  Why the KDE project switched to CMake -- and how 
-  Escape from GNU Autohell!
-- How can I get GNU Awk compiled with CMake as fast as possible ?
-  git clone git://
-  cd gawk
-  git checkout cmake
-  mkdir build
-  cd build
-  cmake ..
-  make
-  ./gawk --version
-  make test
-Notice that this git-checkout allows you to read the source code,
-track the cmake branch and get updates. You will not be able to
-commit anything.
-- How can I use git to contribute source code ?
-You need an account at Savannah. Read this to understand the first steps:
-  README.git
-Use your account there to register your public ssh key at Savannah.
-Then you are ready to checkout. Remember that (when cloning) you are
-setting up your own local repository and make sure you configure it
-  git clone ssh://address@hidden/srv/git/gawk.git
-  git config --global "first-name last-name"
-  git config --global address@hidden
-  git config --global color.ui auto
-- What is the current status of the cmake branch ?
-It has just begun, pre-alpha, unclear if it will ever be taken up
-by the maintainer. We want to study if using CMake with such a
-basic tool like gawk is feasible and if it easier to use than
-the GNU build system.
-- Where can I find a tutorial on CMake basics ?
-Use the "official tutorial":
-- Where is the reference of all commands and variables ?
-Depending on the CMake version you use, select one of these:
-- How can I cross-compile ?
-Proceed in the same way as explained above for native compilation,
-but use a different build directory. When using CMake, do this:
-  cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/Toolchain_mingw32.cmake ..
-Write a new Toolchain file for your cross-compiler and use it.
-- How can I build an installable file ?
-Use "make package". The exact kind of installable file depends on your
-operating system and defaults to TGZ.
-- Can I build an executable that runs on any Win32 platform ?
-Yes, there are two ways of doing this.
-In both cases you need a MinGW compiler and the NSIS package builder
-installed on the host that shall do the build.
-When installed properly, the NSIS tool can even build an installer file
-(a single .exe file that unpacks, registers and installs the gawk executable
-and several other files).
-1. way: native build on a Win32 platform 
-   After clicking "Configure" select the MinGW option with the default native 
-   In the build directory, the command "mingw32-make" will build the gawk.exe
-   The command "mingw32-make package" will build installer file
-2. way: build with cross-compiler on a Linux platform like Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
-   Proceed as describe above for cross-compilers.
-   The command "make ; make package" will build gawk.exe and the installer file
-- How can I run test cases ?
-You can run all the test cases that are defined in test/
-These test case scripts were not changed, but the way they are invoked has
-been adapted to CMake habits.
-  cmake ..
-  make
-  make test          # run all test cases
-  ctest -N           # list all test cases but don't run them
-  ctest -R BASIC     # run all test cases belonging to group BASIC
-  ctest -R MPFR      # run all test cases belonging to group MPFR
-  ctest -E SHLIB.filefunc # run all tests, except the SHLIB.filefunc test case
-Remember that running test cases is possible only after a native build.
diff --git a/README_d/README.cmake b/README_d/README.cmake
index b405901..b291d1b 100644
--- a/README_d/README.cmake
+++ b/README_d/README.cmake
@@ -1 +1,95 @@
-see cmake/README.txt
+CMake is a build automation system
+We try to use it as a replacement for the established GNU build system.
+This attempt is currently only experimental. If you wonder why anyone
+should do this, read
+  Why the KDE project switched to CMake -- and how 
+  Escape from GNU Autohell!
+- How can I get GNU Awk compiled with CMake as fast as possible ?
+  git clone git://
+  cd gawk
+  git checkout cmake
+  mkdir build
+  cd build
+  cmake ..
+  make
+  ./gawk --version
+  make test
+Notice that this git-checkout allows you to read the source code,
+track the cmake branch and get updates. You will not be able to
+commit anything.
+- How can I use git to contribute source code ?
+You need an account at Savannah. Read this to understand the first steps:
+  README.git
+Use your account there to register your public ssh key at Savannah.
+Then you are ready to checkout. Remember that (when cloning) you are
+setting up your own local repository and make sure you configure it
+  git clone ssh://address@hidden/srv/git/gawk.git
+  git config --global "first-name last-name"
+  git config --global address@hidden
+  git config --global color.ui auto
+- What is the current status of the cmake branch ?
+It has just begun, pre-alpha, unclear if it will ever be taken up
+by the maintainer. We want to study if using CMake with such a
+basic tool like gawk is feasible and if it easier to use than
+the GNU build system.
+- Where can I find a tutorial on CMake basics ?
+Use the "official tutorial":
+- Where is the reference of all commands and variables ?
+Depending on the CMake version you use, select one of these:
+- How can I cross-compile ?
+Proceed in the same way as explained above for native compilation,
+but use a different build directory. When using CMake, do this:
+  cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/Toolchain_mingw32.cmake ..
+Write a new Toolchain file for your cross-compiler and use it.
+- How can I build an installable file ?
+Use "make package". The exact kind of installable file depends on your
+operating system and defaults to TGZ.
+- Can I build an executable that runs on any Win32 platform ?
+Yes, there are two ways of doing this.
+In both cases you need a MinGW compiler and the NSIS package builder
+installed on the host that shall do the build.
+When installed properly, the NSIS tool can even build an installer file
+(a single .exe file that unpacks, registers and installs the gawk executable
+and several other files).
+1. way: native build on a Win32 platform 
+   After clicking "Configure" select the MinGW option with the default native 
+   In the build directory, the command "mingw32-make" will build the gawk.exe
+   The command "mingw32-make package" will build installer file
+2. way: build with cross-compiler on a Linux platform like Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
+   Proceed as describe above for cross-compilers.
+   The command "make ; make package" will build gawk.exe and the installer file
+- How can I run test cases ?
+You can run all the test cases that are defined in test/
+These test case scripts were not changed, but the way they are invoked has
+been adapted to CMake habits.
+  cmake ..
+  make
+  make test          # run all test cases
+  ctest -N           # list all test cases but don't run them
+  ctest -R BASIC     # run all test cases belonging to group BASIC
+  ctest -R MPFR      # run all test cases belonging to group MPFR
+  ctest -E SHLIB.filefunc # run all tests, except the SHLIB.filefunc test case
+Remember that running test cases is possible only after a native build.

commit 1f4bd1601d0abb51db4cf28d0a3b51d8661bda94
Author: Juergen Kahrs <address@hidden>
Date:   Tue Aug 12 17:10:28 2014 +0200

    Copyright notice updated.

diff --git a/cmake/configure.cmake b/cmake/configure.cmake
index 204b279..7dbe841 100644
--- a/cmake/configure.cmake
+++ b/cmake/configure.cmake
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # cmake/configure --- CMake input file for gawk
-# Copyright (C) 2013
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2014
 # the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 # This file is part of GAWK, the GNU implementation of the
diff --git a/cmake/package.cmake b/cmake/package.cmake
index b63c286..203a8c3 100644
--- a/cmake/package.cmake
+++ b/cmake/package.cmake
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # cmake/package --- CMake input file for gawk
-# Copyright (C) 2013
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2014
 # the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 # This file is part of GAWK, the GNU implementation of the


Summary of changes:
 README.cmake          |   95 ------------------------------------------------
 README_d/README.cmake |   96 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 cmake/configure.cmake |    2 +-
 cmake/package.cmake   |    2 +-
 4 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 README.cmake


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