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[Gcl-commits] illiteracy anesthesia

From: Simmy Parker
Subject: [Gcl-commits] illiteracy anesthesia
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 19:30:51 +0200

Even such only as God shallvouchsafe to make so. 7 They were killed, but by accursedmen, and such as had taken up anunjust envy against them. 2 For the Lord saith, Ye shallbe as sheep in the midst of wolves. And call upon me in theday of trouble, and I will deliverthee, and thou shalt glorify me. 5 For, so says the Holy Scripture,The Lord corrected me, but he didnot deliver me over unto death. 11 And yet all are not crowned,but they only that labour much,and strive gloriously. For that theyhated knowledge, and did not seekthe fear of the Lord. 24 Let us therefore march-on,men and brethren, with allearnestness in his holy laws. Peter answered and said, What ifthe wolves shall tear in pieces thesheep? 4 What then must we do thatwe may attain unto it? 17 And the same care must behad of the persons that ministerunto him. Forhe saith in Isaiah; This peoplehonoureth me with their lips, buttheir heart is far from me. 11 And yet all are not crowned,but they only that labour much,and strive gloriously. Forhe saith in Isaiah; This peoplehonoureth me with their lips, buttheir heart is far from me. REFERENCES TO CLEMENTS FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. Ye know that thereis nothing unjust or counterfeitwritten in them. When thou seest the nakedthat thou cover him, and that thouhide not thyself from thy ownflesh. 16 Have we not all one God,and one Christ? 15 Also let us not fear men: butrather God. 34 Let not the strong man despisethe weak; and let the weak see thathe reverence the strong. For,if we desire to possess them wefall from the way of righteousness. REFERENCE TO THE SECOND EPISTLE THE CORINTHIANS. 12 Let us then not only callhim Lord; for that will not saveus. Is it to bow down hishead like a bulrush, and to spreadsackcloth and ashes under him? 14 Who is there among youthat is generous? 15 Wherefore are there strifes,and anger, and divisions, andschisms, and wars, among us? 19 Others have forsaken theircities, so that they might put anend to the seditions of them. 20 But ye have set at nought allmy counsel, and would none ofmy reproof. And Iwill make unto thee a great and awonderful nation, that shall bemuch larger than this. 5 For indeed how great arethose advantages which we owe tohim in relation to our holiness? 17 Nay and even the Gentilesthemselves have given us examplesof this kind. 22 And again he saith unto him,Sit thou on my right hand untilI make thine enemies thyfoot-stool. Or what reward that maybe answerable to those thingswhich we have received. For he knows all thingsbeforehand, and searches out ourvery hearts.

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