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[Gcl-devel] Re: Time/work remaining?

From: Camm Maguire
Subject: [Gcl-devel] Re: Time/work remaining?
Date: 16 Mar 2004 09:15:16 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2


"Mike Thomas" <address@hidden> writes:

> Camm:  The only "pseudo-fatal" issue I am aware of on Windows now is the
> failure of compiler::link due to (system "touch blah") I mentioned
> yesterday.
> Is this a fail safe for when #+gnu-ld is not present?

Not really.  -Map foo_map will not work unless foo_map already exists.

> If so it can be worked around easily enough with #-gnu-ld.  Otherwise (and I
> think more appropriately) we can just use a lisp file function to make an
> empty file.  I think we should avoid callouts to system utilities for the
> sake of portability.  I would do this but I'm uncertain of your intentions.

Agreed -- will fix.  Thanks!

> There are two other loose ends I think it would be good to fix:
>   1. The in-package error reporting when the package doesn't exist.  The
> error message about "not of type string" is misleading to say the least; I
> ran into the problem the other day while trying to compile the *Lisp
> emulator.  Unfortunately I'm uncertain whether this goes against anything
> you or Paul have been doing with your ANSIification work.  It is a simple
> fix and I am happy to do that if you wish.

I'm confused -- here is what I get with cltl1 and ansi builds

#<"FOO" package>

$ GCL_ANSI=t gcl
GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  2.6.1 ANSI   Mar 10 2004 23:04:10
Source License: LGPL(gcl,gmp), GPL(unexec,bfd)
Binary License:  GPL due to GPL'ed components: (READLINE BFD UNEXEC)
Modifications of this banner must retain notice of a compatible license
Dedicated to the memory of W. Schelter

Use (help) to get some basic information on how to use GCL.

>(in-package 'foo)

Error in IN-PACKAGE [or a callee]: A package error occurred on FOO: "No such 

Fast links are on: do (use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Broken at IN-PACKAGE.  Type :H for Help.
 1 (Continue) 
 2 (Abort) Return to top level.

I think I missed this report, being so behind in my email.  I'll look
for it, but perhaps you could clarify?

>   2. I discovered this afternoon that si::info doesn't wait for a response
> from the keyboard anymore when more than one option exists.  It seems
> related to the problem I reported with Maxima doc the other day, but I
> haven't chased it up yet.  Does this also happen with Linux?

I think this is windows specific.  Below is an example on Linux.  Also
works after (si::readline-off). Is this related to the removal of
that extra CR?  Is this change working otherwise?  One would think
something is still providing an extra CR somewhere.  Can you pinpoint? 
How many windows specific i/o code snippets do we have?

Take care,

>(si::info 'compile)

 0: (gcl-si.info)Compiler Definitions.
 1: (gcl.info)Compiler Terminology.
 2: Compiler Macros.
 3: Purpose of Compiler Macros.
 4: Naming of Compiler Macros.
 5: When Compiler Macros Are Used.
 6: Notes about the Implementation of Compiler Macros.
 7: Constraints on Macros and Compiler Macros.
 8: Literal Objects in Compiled Files.
 9: Exceptional Situations in the Compiler.
 10: compile.
 11: compiler-macro-function.
 12: define-compiler-macro.
 13: compiled-function.
 14: compiled-function-p.
 15: compile-file.
 16: compile-file-pathname.
 17: *compile-file-pathname*.
 18: *compile-print*.
Enter n, all, none, or multiple choices eg 1 3 : 12

Info from file /usr/share/info/gcl.info:
define-compiler-macro                                               [Macro]

`define-compiler-macro'  name lambda-list [[{declaration}* |
documentation]] {form}*
=>  name

Arguments and Values::

name--a function name.

   lambda-list--a macro lambda list.

   declaration--a declare expression; not evaluated.

   documentation--a string; not evaluated.

   form--a form.


[Editorial Note by KMP: This definition probably needs to be fully
expanded to not                  refer through the definition of defmacro, but 
suffice for now.]

   This is the normal mechanism for defining a compiler macro function.
Its manner of definition is the same as for defmacro; the only
differences are:

     The name can be a function name naming  any function or macro.

     The expander function is installed as a compiler macro function
     for the name, rather than as a macro function.

     The &whole argument is bound to the form argument that  is passed
     to the compiler macro function.  The remaining lambda-list
     parameters are specified as if this form contained the function
     name in the  car and the actual arguments in the cdr, but if the
     car  of the actual form is the symbol funcall, then the
     destructuring of  the arguments is actually performed using its
     cddr instead.

     Documentation is attached as a documentation string     to name
     (as kind compiler-macro) and to the compiler macro function.

     Unlike an ordinary macro, a compiler macro  can decline to provide
     an expansion merely by returning a form that is  the same as the
     original (which can be obtained by using  &whole).


      (defun square (x) (expt x 2)) =>  SQUARE
      (define-compiler-macro square (&whole form arg)
        (if (atom arg)
            `(expt ,arg 2)
            (case (car arg)
              (square (if (= (length arg) 2)
                          `(expt ,(nth 1 arg) 4)
              (expt   (if (= (length arg) 3)
                          (if (numberp (nth 2 arg))
                              `(expt ,(nth 1 arg) ,(* 2 (nth 2 arg)))
                              `(expt ,(nth 1 arg) (* 2 ,(nth 2 arg))))
              (otherwise `(expt ,arg 2))))) =>  SQUARE
      (square (square 3)) =>  81
      (macroexpand '(square x)) =>  (SQUARE X), false
      (funcall (compiler-macro-function 'square) '(square x) nil)
     =>  (EXPT X 2)
      (funcall (compiler-macro-function 'square) '(square (square x)) nil)
     =>  (EXPT X 4)
      (funcall (compiler-macro-function 'square) '(funcall #'square x) nil)
     =>  (EXPT X 2)
      (defun distance-positional (x1 y1 x2 y2)
        (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2) (expt (- y2 y1) 2))))
      (defun distance (&key (x1 0) (y1 0) (x2 x1) (y2 y1))
        (distance-positional x1 y1 x2 y2))
     =>  DISTANCE
      (define-compiler-macro distance (&whole form
                                       &rest key-value-pairs
                                       &key (x1 0  x1-p)
                                            (y1 0  y1-p)
                                            (x2 x1 x2-p)
                                            (y2 y1 y2-p)
                                       &environment env)
        (flet ((key (n) (nth (* n 2) key-value-pairs))
               (arg (n) (nth (1+ (* n 2)) key-value-pairs))
               (simplep (x)
                 (let ((expanded-x (macroexpand x env)))
                   (or (constantp expanded-x env)
                       (symbolp expanded-x)))))
          (let ((n (/ (length key-value-pairs) 2)))
            (multiple-value-bind (x1s y1s x2s y2s others)
                (loop for (key) on key-value-pairs by #'cddr
                      count (eq key ':x1) into x1s
                      count (eq key ':y1) into y1s
                      count (eq key ':x2) into x2s
                      count (eq key ':y1) into y2s
                      count (not (member key '(:x1 :x2 :y1 :y2)))
                        into others
                      finally (return (values x1s y1s x2s y2s others)))
              (cond ((and (= n 4)
                          (eq (key 0) :x1)
                          (eq (key 1) :y1)
                          (eq (key 2) :x2)
                          (eq (key 3) :y2))
                     `(distance-positional ,x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2))
                    ((and (if x1-p (and (= x1s 1) (simplep x1)) t)
                          (if y1-p (and (= y1s 1) (simplep y1)) t)
                          (if x2-p (and (= x2s 1) (simplep x2)) t)
                          (if y2-p (and (= y2s 1) (simplep y2)) t)
                          (zerop others))
                     `(distance-positional ,x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2))
                    ((and (< x1s 2) (< y1s 2) (< x2s 2) (< y2s 2)
                          (zerop others))
                     (let ((temps (loop repeat n collect (gensym))))
                       `(let ,(loop for i below n
                                    collect (list (nth i temps) (arg i)))
                            ,@(loop for i below n
                                    append (list (key i) (nth i temps)))))))
                    (t form))))))
     =>  DISTANCE
      (dolist (form
                '((distance :x1 (setq x 7) :x2 (decf x) :y1 (decf x) :y2 (decf 
                  (distance :x1 (setq x 7) :y1 (decf x) :x2 (decf x) :y2 (decf 
                  (distance :x1 (setq x 7) :y1 (incf x))
                  (distance :x1 (setq x 7) :y1 (incf x) :x1 (incf x))
                  (distance :x1 a1 :y1 b1 :x2 a2 :y2 b2)
                  (distance :x1 a1 :x2 a2 :y1 b1 :y2 b2)
                  (distance :x1 a1 :y1 b1 :z1 c1 :x2 a2 :y2 b2 :z2 c2)))
        (print (funcall (compiler-macro-function 'distance) form nil)))
      |>  (LET ((#:G6558 (SETQ X 7))
      |>        (#:G6559 (DECF X))
      |>        (#:G6560 (DECF X))
      |>        (#:G6561 (DECF X)))
      |>    (DISTANCE :X1 #:G6558 :X2 #:G6559 :Y1 #:G6560 :Y2 #:G6561))
      |>  (LET ((#:G6567 (SETQ X 7))
      |>        (#:G6568 (INCF X)))
      |>    (DISTANCE :X1 #:G6567 :Y1 #:G6568))
      |>  (DISTANCE :X1 (SETQ X 7) :Y1 (INCF X) :X1 (INCF X))
      |>  (DISTANCE :X1 A1 :Y1 B1 :Z1 C1 :X2 A2 :Y2 B2 :Z2 C2)
     =>  NIL

See Also::

*Note compiler-macro-function:: , *Note defmacro:: , *Note
documentation:: , *Note Syntactic Interaction of Documentation Strings
and Declarations::


The consequences of writing a compiler macro definition for a function
in the COMMON-LISP package are undefined; it is quite possible that in
some implementations such an attempt would override an equivalent or
equally important definition.  In general, it is recommended that a
programmer only write compiler macro definitions for functions he or
she personally maintains-writing a compiler macro definition for a
function maintained elsewhere is normally considered a violation of
traditional rules of modularity and data abstraction.


> Best of luck
> Mike Thomas.
> | -----Original Message-----
> | From: Robert Boyer [mailto:address@hidden
> | Sent: Tuesday, 16 March 2004 3:58 AM
> | To: Mike Thomas
> | Subject: Re: Time/work remaining?
> |
> |
> | Happy to report that installation of  0315 worked well on a
> | Win 98 machine on which previously the .exe file had "done nothing".
> |
> | Most happy to try more installations!
> |
> | Thanks so much,
> |
> | Bob
> |
> |
> |

Camm Maguire                                            address@hidden
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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