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RE: [Gcl-devel] Windows - Instability in universe.lsp

From: Mike Thomas
Subject: RE: [Gcl-devel] Windows - Instability in universe.lsp
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 09:29:57 +1000

Hi Camm.

Thanks as usual for your analysis.

| Hi Mike!  Don't believe this is an error.  Paul's stuff deliberately
| triggers and traps the error system.

OK thanks for that

It's still a worry that the package error caused by laoding the contents of
the file directly into GCL ultimately caused a seg fault as marked below.

I'll try and look further into this as well as your stack overflow
suggestion later today - may not be able to unfortunately.

Hopefully this is all the same problem rather than a second one.


Mike Thomas.


| >
| >
| > Then I hand load the contents of universe.lsp into GCL and
| after a package
| > error the system is completely messed up:
| >
| >
| >
| > ==============================================================
| >
| > >(defparameter *cl-test-symbols*
| >     `(,(intern "a" :cl-test)
| >       ,(intern "" :cl-test)
| >       ,@(and (code-char 0)
| >              (list (intern (make-string 1 :initial-element

...Lots elided....

| >       ))
| >
| > Error in INTERN [or a callee]: A package error occurred on :CL-TEST: "A
| > package
| > with this name does not exist".
| >
| > Fast links are on: do (use-fast-links nil) for debugging
| > Broken at INTERN.  Type :H for Help.
| >  1 (Continue)
| >  2 Return to top level.
| > dbl:>>
| > (defparameter *cl-user-symbols*
| >     '(cl-user::foo cl-user::x
| >       cl-user::cons cl-user::lambda
| >       cl-user::*print-readably* cl-user::push))
| >
| > dbl:>>
| > (defparameter *symbols*
| >     (append *booleans* *keywords* *uninterned-symbols*
| >             *cl-test-symbols*
| >             *cl-user-symbols*))
| >
| > Error in SETQ [or a callee]: The variable *CL-TEST-SYMBOLS* is unbound.
| >
| > Fast links are on: do (use-fast-links nil) for debugging
| > Broken at APPEND.
| >  1 (Abort) Return to debug level 1.
| >  2
| >  3 Return to top level.
| > dbl:>>>
| > (defparameter *array-dimensions*
| >     (loop
| >         for i from 0 to 8 collect
| >           (loop for j from 1 to i collect 2)))
| >
| > dbl:>>>
| > (defparameter *default-array-target* (make-array '(300)))
| >
| > dbl:>>>
| > (defparameter *arrays*
| >     (append
| >      (list (make-array '10))
| >      (mapcar #'make-array *array-dimensions*)
| >
| >      ;; typed arrays
| >      (loop for tp in '(fixnum float bit character base-char
| >                        (signed-byte 8) (unsigned-byte 8))
| >            for element in '(18 16.0f0 0 #\x #\y 127 200)
| >          append
| >            (loop
| >                for d in *array-dimensions*
| >                collect (make-array d :element-type tp
| >                                    :initial-element element)))
| >
| >      ;; More typed arrays
| >      (loop for i from 1 to 64
| >            append
| >            (list (make-array 10 :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
| >                              :initial-element 1)
| >                  (make-array 10 :element-type `(signed-byte ,i)
| >                              :initial-element 0)))
| >
| >      ;; adjustable arrays
| >      (loop
| >        for d in *array-dimensions*
| >          collect (make-array d :adjustable t))
| >
| >      ;; Displaced arrays
| >      (loop
| >       for d in *array-dimensions*
| >       for i from 1
| >       collect (make-array d :displaced-to *default-array-target*
| >                           :displaced-index-offset i))
| >
| >      (list
| >       #()
| >       #*
| >       #*00000
| >       #*1010101010101101
| >       (make-array 10 :element-type 'bit
| >                   :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1)
| >                   :fill-pointer 8)
| >       (make-array 5 :element-type 'bit
| >                   :displaced-to #*0111000110
| >                   :displaced-index-offset 3)
| >       (make-array 10 :element-type 'bit
| >                   :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1)
| >                   :adjustable t)
| >       )
| >
| >      ;; Integer arrays
| >      (list
| >       (make-array '(10) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
| >                   :initial-contents '(8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5))
| >       (make-array '(10) :element-type '(integer -128 (128))
| >                   :initial-contents '(8 9 -10 11 -12 1 -2 -3 4 5))
| >       (make-array '(6) :element-type '(integer 0 (#.(ash 1 16)))
| >                   :initial-contents '(5 9 100 1312 23432 87))
| >       (make-array '(4) :element-type '(integer 0 (#.(ash 1 28)))
| >                   :initial-contents '(100000 231213 8123712 19))
| >       (make-array '(4) :element-type '(integer 0 (#.(ash 1 32)))
| >                   :initial-contents '(#.(1- (ash 1 32)) 0
| 872312 10000000))
| >
| >       (make-array nil :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
| >                   :initial-element 14)
| >       (make-array '(2 2) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
| >                   :initial-contents '((34 98)(14 119)))
| >       )
| >
| >      ;; Float arrays
| >      (list
| >       (make-array '(5) :element-type 'short-float
| >                   :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0))
| >       (make-array '(5) :element-type 'single-float
| >                   :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0))
| >       (make-array '(5) :element-type 'double-float
| >                   :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0))
| >       (make-array '(5) :element-type 'long-float
| >                   :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0))
| >       )
| >
| >      ;; The ever-popular NIL array
| >      (handler-case
| >       (list (make-array '(0) :element-type nil))
| >       (error () nil))
| >
| >      ;; more kinds of arrays here later?
| >      ))
| >
| > *ARRAYS*
| > dbl:>>>
| > 1

Here is the seg fault.

| >
| > Broken at INTERN.
| > dbl:>>1
| >
| > Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
| > 0x00452c1a in intern (st=0x103fca80, p=0x651a90) at package.d:401
| > 401             for (l = *ip;  type_of(l) == t_cons;  l = l->c.c_cdr)
| > (gdb) bt
| > #0  0x00452c1a in intern (st=0x103fca80, p=0x651a90) at package.d:401
| > #1  0x00454608 in Lintern () at package.d:870
| > #2  0x0041f487 in eval (form=0x651a90) at eval.c:1090
| > #3  0x0041f40a in eval (form=0x102e26a8) at eval.c:1077
| > #4  0x0041ed84 in Ieval (form=0x102e269c) at eval.c:928
| > #5  0x0040d506 in Fsetq (form=0x102e2570) at assignment.c:100
| > #6  0x0041f217 in eval (form=0x102e257c) at eval.c:1037
| > #7  0x0046175a in Fprogn (body=0x102e251c) at prog.c:248
| > #8  0x0041f217 in eval (form=0x102e2534) at eval.c:1037
| > #9  0x0041f981 in fLeval (x0=0x102e315c) at eval.c:1178
| > #10 0x00431dc6 in c_apply_n (fn=0x41f925 <fLeval>, n=1, x=0x6c1488)
| >     at funlink.c:363
| > #11 0x0044aa7b in IapplyVector (fun=0x10107e24, nargs=1, base=0x6c1488)
| >     at nfunlink.c:229
| > #12 0x0041d5b7 in funcall (fun=0x10107e24) at eval.c:190
| > #13 0x0041e57f in symlispcall (sym=0x10109ad4, base=0x6c1484, narg=1)
| >     at eval.c:507
| > #14 0x0060ef1a in LI1 () at gcl_top.c:140
| > #15 0x0041ca1c in quick_call_sfun (fun=0x10131fdc) at eval.c:117
| > #16 0x0041d533 in funcall (fun=0x10131fdc) at eval.c:178
| > #17 0x0044abbc in IapplyVector (fun=0x10131fdc, nargs=0, base=0x6c145c)
| >     at nfunlink.c:239
| > #18 0x0041f703 in fLfuncall (fun=0x10131fdc) at eval.c:1140
| > ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
| > #19 0x00431dc6 in c_apply_n (fn=0x41f678 <fLfuncall>, n=1, x=0x6c1458)
| >     at funlink.c:363
| > #20 0x0044aa7b in IapplyVector (fun=0x10107e4c, nargs=1, base=0x6c1458)
| >     at nfunlink.c:229
| > #21 0x0041d5b7 in funcall (fun=0x10107e4c) at eval.c:190
| > #22 0x0041df01 in funcall_no_event (fun=0x10107e4c) at eval.c:381
| > #23 0x0041f494 in eval (form=0x651a90) at eval.c:1092
| > #24 0x0041dc47 in funcall (fun=0x1035afe8) at eval.c:327
| > #25 0x0041df01 in funcall_no_event (fun=0x103e9954) at eval.c:381
| > #26 0x0041f494 in eval (form=0x651a90) at eval.c:1092
| > #27 0x0041dc47 in funcall (fun=0x1035aff0) at eval.c:327
| > #28 0x0041ec95 in super_funcall (fun=0x103e9fb4) at eval.c:743
| > #29 0x00402c67 in main (argc=1, argv=0xca41f0, envp=0xca2ef0)
| at main.c:296
| > (gdb)
| >
| > ==============================================================
| >
| >
| > Late for the train again
| >
| > Mike Thomas
| >
| >
| >
| >
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| >
| >
| --
| Camm Maguire                                          address@hidden
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