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[Gcl-devel] Re: fft-mod

From: Camm Maguire
Subject: [Gcl-devel] Re: fft-mod
Date: 28 Feb 2006 13:49:38 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Greetings and thanks!

Should be fixed now.  We're about at cmucl time on this benchmark -- I
think we can do better, particularly as the declarations are removed.
More later hopefully.

Take care,

Robert Boyer <address@hidden> writes:

> I suspect that the newest GCL compiler has a bug, videlicet, compiling the
> Gabriel benchmark fft-mod.cl does not terminate.
> The following transcript was made with the most recent GCL 2.7.0.  The source
> file in question follows.
> Bob
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> % time xg
> GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  2.7.0 ANSI    Feb 26 2006 16:57:52
> Source License: LGPL(gcl,gmp,pargcl), GPL(unexec,bfd)
> Binary License:  GPL due to GPL'ed components: (BFD UNEXEC)
> Modifications of this banner must retain notice of a compatible license
> Dedicated to the memory of W. Schelter
> Use (help) to get some basic information on how to use GCL.
> Temporary directory for compiler files set to /tmp/
> Loading init.lsp
> Finished loading init.lsp
> >(compile-file "fft-mod.cl")
> ;; Compiling fft-mod.cl.
> Suspended
> % kill %2
> [2]    Terminated                    xg
> 134.060u 1.332s 2:39.12 85.0% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
> % 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Here's my version of fft-mod.cl, which I got from Bill Schelter ages ago.
> ;; $Header: fft.cl,v 1.2 88/01/03 19:28:28 layer Exp $
> ;; $Locker:  $
> ;; FFT -- This is an FFT benchmark written by Harry Barrow.
> ;; It tests a variety of floating point operations, including array 
> references.
> (defvar **fft-re**
>   (make-array 1025. :element-type
>             #+excl 'single-float #+lucid 'single-float #+KCL 'single-float
>             #-(or excl lucid kcl) 'single-float
>             :initial-element 0.0))
> (defvar **fft-im**
>   (make-array 1025. :element-type
>             #+excl 'single-float #+lucid 'single-float #+KCL 'single-float
>             #-(or excl lucid kcl) 'single-float
>             :initial-element 0.0))
> (defmacro ff+ (a b) 
>  `(the single-float (+ (the single-float ,a) (the single-float ,b))))
> (defmacro ff*(a b) 
>  `(the single-float (* (the single-float ,a) (the single-float ,b))))
> (defmacro ff-(a b) 
>  `(the single-float (- (the single-float ,a) (the single-float ,b))))
> (proclaim '(type (#+KCL vector #-KCL simple-array
>                 single-float)
>                  **fft-re** **fft-im**))
> (defvar s-pi (float pi 0.0))
> (proclaim '(#+excl single-float #+KCL single-float #+lucid single-float s-pi))
> (defun fft (areal aimag)
>   (declare (type (simple-array single-float (*)) areal aimag))
>   (prog* ((ar areal)
>         (ai aimag)
>         (i 1)
>         (j 0)
>         (k 0)
>         (m 0)                         ;compute m = log(n)
>         (n (1- (array-dimension ar 0)))
>         (nv2 (floor n 2))
>         (le 0) (le1 0) (ip 0)
>         (ur 0.0) (ui 0.0) (wr 0.0) (wi 0.0) (tr 0.0) (ti 0.0))
>      (declare (type fixnum i j k n nv2 m le le1 ip))
>      (declare (type (simple-array single-float (*)) ar ai))
>      (declare (single-float ur ui wr wi tr ti))
>      l1 (cond ((< i n)
>              (setq m (the fixnum (1+ m))
>                    i (the fixnum (+ i i)))
>              (go l1)))
>      (cond ((not (equal n (the fixnum (expt 2 m))))
>           (princ "error ... array size not a power of two.")
>           (read)
>           (return (terpri))))
>      (setq j 1                                ;interchange elements
>          i 1)                         ;in bit-reversed order
>      l3 (cond ((< i j)
>              (setq tr (aref ar j)
>                    ti (aref ai j))
>              (setf (aref ar j) (aref ar i))
>              (setf (aref ai j) (aref ai i))
>              (setf (aref ar i) tr)
>              (setf (aref ai i) ti)))
>      (setq k nv2)
>      l6 (cond ((< k j)
>              (setq j (the fixnum (- j k))
>                    k (the fixnum (/ k 2)))
>              (go l6)))
>      (setq j (the fixnum (+ j k))
>          i (the fixnum (1+ i)))
>      (cond ((< i n)
>           (go l3)))
>      (do ((l 1 (the fixnum (1+ (the fixnum l)))))
>        ((> (the fixnum l) m))         ;loop thru stages
>        (declare (type fixnum l))
>        (setq le (the fixnum (expt 2 l))
>            le1 (the (values fixnum fixnum) (floor le 2))
>            ur 1.0
>            ui 0.0
>            wr (cos (/ s-pi (float le1)))
>            wi (sin (/ s-pi (float le1))))
>        (do ((j 1 (the fixnum (1+ (the fixnum j)))))
>          ((> (the fixnum j) le1))     ;loop thru butterflies
>        (declare (type fixnum j))
>        (do ((i j (+ (the fixnum i) le)))
>            ((> (the fixnum i) n))     ;do a butterfly
>          (declare (type fixnum i))
>          (setq ip (the fixnum (+ i le1))
>                tr (ff- (ff* (aref ar ip) ur)
>                      (ff* (aref ai ip) ui))
>                ti (ff+ (ff* (aref ar ip) ui)
>                      (ff* (aref ai ip) ur)))
>          (setf (aref ar ip) (ff- (aref ar i) tr))
>          (setf (aref ai ip) (ff- (aref ai i) ti))
>          (setf (aref ar i) (ff+ (aref ar i) tr))
>          (setf (aref ai i) (ff+ (aref ai i) ti))))
>        (setq tr (ff- (ff* ur wr) (ff* ui wi))
>            ti (ff+ (ff* ur wi) (ff* ui wr))
>            ur tr
>            ui ti))
>      (return t)))
> (defun fft-bench ()
>   (dotimes (i 10)
>     (fft **fft-re** **fft-im**)))
> (defun testfft ()
>   (print (time (fft-bench))))
> ;;;
> ;;; the following are for verifying that the implementation gives the
> ;;; correct result
> ;;;
> (defun clear-fft ()
>   (dotimes (i 1025)
>     (setf (aref **fft-re** i) 0.0
>         (aref **fft-im** i) 0.0))
>   (values))
> (defun setup-fft-component (theta &optional (phase 0.0))
>   (let ((f (f* 2 pi theta))
>       (c (cos (f* 0.5 pi phase)))
>       (s (sin (f* 0.5 pi phase))))
>     (dotimes (i 1025)
>       (let ((x (sin (* f (/ i 1024.0)))))
>       (incf (aref **fft-re** i) (float (* c x) 0.0))
>       (incf (aref **fft-im** i) (float (* s x) 0.0)))))
>   (values))
> (defvar fft-delta 0.0001)
> (defun print-fft ()
>   (dotimes (i 1025)
>     (let ((re (aref **fft-re** i))
>         (im (aref **fft-im** i)))
>       (unless (and (< (abs re) fft-delta) (< (abs im) fft-delta))
>       (format t "~4d  ~10f ~10f~%" i re im))))
>   (values))

Camm Maguire                                            address@hidden
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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