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[Gcl-devel] Re: interrupts in 64-bit GCL

From: Camm Maguire
Subject: [Gcl-devel] Re: interrupts in 64-bit GCL
Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2009 12:12:44 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.2 (gnu/linux)

Greetings, and thanks!  OK I think this is fixed now in both
branches.  Here is the 2.6.8pre patch to read.d:

@@ -638,7 +646,7 @@
 static void
-       object in, c, x;
+       object in, x;
        object *p;
@@ -654,18 +662,17 @@
                if (dot_flag) {
                        if (p == &vs_head)
        FEerror("A dot appeared after a left parenthesis.", 0);
+                       delimiting_char = code_char(')');
                        in_list_flag = TRUE;
                        *p = read_object(in);
                        if (dot_flag)
        FEerror("Two dots appeared consecutively.", 0);
-                       c = read_char(in);
-                       while (cat(c) == cat_whitespace)
-                               c = read_char(in);
-                       if (char_code(c) != ')')
-       FEerror("A dot appeared before a right parenthesis.", 0);
-                       else if (PP0>P0) PP0--; /* should be the only other 
-                                                  outside of read_object where
-                                                  closing parens are read */
+                       if (*p==OBJNULL)
+       FEerror("Object missing after dot.", 0);
+                       delimiting_char = code_char(')');
+                       in_list_flag = TRUE;
+                       if (read_object(in)!=OBJNULL)
+        FEerror("Two objects after dot.",0);
                        goto ENDUP;

Take care,
Camm Maguire                                        address@hidden
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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