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[Gcl-devel] Re: [Axiom-developer] Re: Debian ports

From: Camm Maguire
Subject: [Gcl-devel] Re: [Axiom-developer] Re: Debian ports
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 16:06:59 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.2 (gnu/linux)

Greetings!  Regarding the compiler link issue, this seems to be
working so far.  I don't know how to stop the autoloader, so I move
the file out of the way and link it in by hand:

--- ./lsp/Makefile.pamphlet.orig        2010-01-04 16:45:15.000000000 +0000
+++ ./lsp/Makefile.pamphlet     2010-01-04 16:46:18.000000000 +0000
@@ -1161,12 +1161,8 @@
        @echo 2 building ${GCLVERSION}
-       @tar -zxf ${ZIPS}/${GCLVERSION}.tgz
+#      @tar -zxf ${ZIPS}/${GCLVERSION}.tgz
+       echo '(compiler::link (list (compile-file "${BOOKS}/tangle.lisp")) 
"${OUT}/lisp" (format nil "(progn (let ((*load-path* (cons ~S 
*load-path*))(si::*load-types* ~S)) (compiler::emit-fn t))(fmakunbound (quote 
si::sgc-on))(when (fboundp (quote si::sgc-on)) (si::sgc-on 
t))#-native-reloc(setq compiler::*default-system-p* t))" si::*system-directory* 
(quote (list #+native-reloc".o" ".lsp"))) "${OBJ}/${SYS}/lib/cfuns-c.o 
${OBJ}/${SYS}/lib/sockio-c.o ${OBJ}/${SYS}/lib/libspad.a")' | gcl
        @echo 13 finished system build on `date` | tee >gcldir
 ccldir: ${LSP}/ccl/Makefile
--- ./src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet.orig 2009-11-30 09:45:01.000000000 -0700
+++ ./src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet      2010-01-13 13:58:50.000000000 -0700
@@ -419,15 +419,40 @@
 \subsection{save depsys image}
 Once the appropriate commands are in the [[${OUT}/makedep.lisp]] file
-we can load the file into a fresh image and save it. At least that's
+we can load the file into a fresh image and save it. At least that is
 how it used to work. In freebsd we cannot do this so we have to use
 a much more complicated procedure.
 This code used to read:
 <<save depsys image>>=
        @ (cd ${MNT}/${SYS}/bin ; \
-          echo '(progn (load "${OUT}/makedep.lisp")' \
-                '(spad-save "${DEPSYS}"))' | ${LISPSYS})
+          echo '#+native-reloc(progn\
+                   (load "${OUT}/makedep.lisp")\
+                   (spad-save "${DEPSYS}"))\
+                #-native-reloc(progn\
+                   (setq si::*collect-binary-modules* t)\
+                   (load "${OUT}/makedep.lisp")\
+                   (compiler::link\
+                       (remove-duplicates si::*binary-modules* :test (quote 
+                       "$(DEPSYS)"\
+                       (format nil "\
+                               (setq si::*collect-binary-modules* t)\
+                               (let ((si::*load-path* (cons ~S 
+                                     (si::*load-types* ~S))\
+                                 (compiler::emit-fn t))\
+                                 (load \"$(OUT)/makedep.lisp\")\
+                                 (gbc t)\
+                                 (when si::*binary-modules*\
+                                       (error (apply (quote concatenate) 
(quote string)\
+                                        \"Binary module load error: \" 
+                                 (setq si::collect-binary-modules* nil 
si::*binary-modules* nil)\
+                                 (gbc t)\
+                                 (fmakunbound (quote si::sgc-on))\
+                                 (when (fboundp (quote si::sgc-on)) 
(si::sgc-on t))\
+                                 (setq compiler::*default-system-p* t)"\
+                               si::*system-directory* (quote (list ".lsp")))\
+                               ""\
+                               nil))' | sed 's,\\$$,,g' | ${LISPSYS})
@@ -697,7 +722,7 @@
 #      @ cp -p ${SRC}/doc/msgs/co-eng.msgs ${SPAD}/doc/msgs
        @ echo '${PROCLAIMS}' > ${OUT}/makeint.lisp
        @ echo '(load "${OUT}/nocompil")' >> ${OUT}/makeint.lisp
-       @ echo '(load "${OUT}/bookvol5")' >> ${OUT}/makeint.lisp
+       @ echo '(load "${OUT}/bookvol5.lsp")' >> ${OUT}/makeint.lisp
        @ echo '(load "${OUT}/util")' >> ${OUT}/makeint.lisp
        @ echo '(in-package "BOOT")' >> ${OUT}/makeint.lisp
        @ touch ${TIMESTAMP}
@@ -727,9 +752,47 @@
        @ echo '#+:akcl (si::gbc-time 0)' >> ${OUT}/makeint.lisp
        @ echo '#+:akcl (setq si::*system-directory* "${SPAD}/bin/")' \
                >> ${OUT}/makeint.lisp
-       @ (cd ${OBJ}/${SYS}/bin ; \
-         echo '(progn (gbc t) (load "${OUT}/makeint.lisp")' \
-                 '(gbc t) (user::spad-save "${SAVESYS}"))' | ${LISPSYS} )
+       @ (cd ${OBJ}/${SYS}/bin ;\
+          mv ${OUT}/../../../mnt/linux/algebra/exposed.o 
+          echo '#+native-reloc(progn \
+                     (gbc t)\
+                     (setq x si::*system-directory*)\
+                     (load "${OUT}/makeint.lisp")\
+                     (setq si::*system-directory* x)\
+                     (unintern (quote x))\
+                     (gbc t)\
+                     (user::spad-save "${SAVESYS}"))\
+               #-native-reloc(progn\
+                     (setq si::*collect-binary-modules* t)\
+                     (setq x si::*system-directory*)\
+                     (load "${OUT}/makeint.lisp")\
+                     (setq si::*system-directory* x)\
+                     (unintern (quote x))\
+                      (push "${OUT}/../../../mnt/linux/algebra/exposed1.o" 
+                     (compiler::link\
+                       (remove-duplicates si::*binary-modules* :test (quote 
+                       "$(SAVESYS)"\
+                       (format nil "\
+                               (let ((si::*load-path* (cons ~S 
+                                      (si::*load-types* ~S))\
+                                (compiler::emit-fn t))\
+                                (setq si::*collect-binary-modules* t)\
+                                (setq x si::*system-directory*)\
+                                (load \"$(OUT)/makeint.lisp\")\
+                                (setq si::*system-directory* x)\
+                                (unintern (quote x))\
+                                (when si::*binary-modules*\
+                                       (error (apply (quote concatenate) 
(quote string)\
+                                        \"Binary module load error: \" 
+                                (setq si::collect-binary-modules* nil 
si::*binary-modules* nil)\
+                                (gbc t)\
+                                (fmakunbound (quote si::sgc-on))\
+                                (when (fboundp (quote si::sgc-on)) (si::sgc-on 
+                                (setq compiler::*default-system-p* t)"\
+                               si::*system-directory* (quote (list ".lsp")))\
+                       "$(OBJ)/$(SYS)/lib/sockio-c.o 
$(OBJ)/$(SYS)/lib/cfuns-c.o $(OBJ)/$(SYS)/lib/libspad.a"\
+                       nil))' | sed 's,\\$$,,g' | $(LISPSYS);\
+          mv ${OUT}/../../../mnt/linux/algebra/exposed1.o 
        @ echo 6 ${SAVESYS} created
        @ cp ${SAVESYS} ${AXIOMSYS}
        @ echo 6a ${AXIOMSYS} created
--- ./src/etc/Makefile.pamphlet.orig    2010-01-04 15:26:34.000000000 +0000
+++ ./src/etc/Makefile.pamphlet 2010-01-04 14:55:31.000000000 +0000
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
        @ cp ${SRC}/doc/topics.data ${INT}/algebra
        @ cp ${SRC}/doc/topics.data ${INT}/algebra
        @ (cd ${INT}/algebra ; \
-           echo ')lisp (make-databases "" nil)' | ${INTERPSYS} )
+           echo ')lisp #+native-reloc(make-databases "" nil) 
#-native-reloc(system "cp ${SRC}/../debian/*.daase ${INT}/algebra/")' | 
        @ cp -pr ${INT}/algebra/*.daase ${MNT}/${SYS}/algebra

Camm Maguire                                        address@hidden
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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