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Re: [Gcl-devel] migration to git

From: Raymond Toy
Subject: Re: [Gcl-devel] migration to git
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 09:18:05 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.101 (Gnus v5.10.10) XEmacs/21.5-b33 (linux)

>>>>> "Camm" == Camm Maguire <address@hidden> writes:

    Camm> Greetings!
    Camm> Raymond Toy <address@hidden> writes:

    >>>>>>> "Camm" == Camm Maguire <address@hidden> writes:
    Camm> Greetings!  Here is the script I'm using for the conversion:
    Camm> #!/bin/bash
    Camm> rsync -av vcs.sv.gnu.org::sources/gcl/ ./gclr/
    Camm> cvs2git --blobfile=b --dumpfile=d --username=cvs2git ./gclr/
    Camm> cat d | ./gcl.committers >do
    Camm> rm -rf gcl.git
    Camm> mkdir gcl.git
    Camm> cd gcl.git
    Camm> git init --bare
    Camm> cat ../b ../do | git fast-import
    Camm> ../git-move-refs.py
    Camm> git gc --prune=now
    Camm> cd ..
    Camm> rm -rf gcl
    Camm> git clone ./gcl.git
    Camm> This appears to leave several automatically generated branches in the
    Camm> repository, e.g. unlabeled-, despite the automatic removal
    Camm> attempt.  What should be done here?
    >> My personal feeling is that you do a reasonable job and then just give
    >> up.  At a certain point, the old stuff doesn't matter very much
    >> because you rarely ever use it except to see how the code used to be.

    Camm> Agreed, thanks!

    Camm> But at least I'd like cvs2git to convert branchpoints.  Right now, all
    Camm> my branches look like unrelated sequences of commits, even when using 
    Camm> symbol-hints file.  Pointers?

I'm not 100% sure, but I suspect that since cvs let's you branch an
individual file, cvs2git is getting confused on what a branch is.  I
don't know how to get cvs2git to make a branch.

An alternative would be to create the git repo and use the history
rewriting capabilities of git to create the necessary branches.  I
assume you really only need the 2.6.8 and 2.6.9 (and maybe 2.6.7?)
branches.  That might not be too hard.  (But I don't know how to use
git for rewriting history.)


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