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Re: [Getfem-users] getfem-interface-2.0 compile error on OS X 10.4.8 on

From: julien pommier
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] getfem-interface-2.0 compile error on OS X 10.4.8 on intel based Apple
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 15:56:54 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060922)

Koenraad Janssens wrote:
Thanks, in the mean time I figured so much by myself. Unfortunately
compilation still crashes at the same location:

/Applications/MATLAB73/bin/mex -output gf_matlab -g CDEBUGFLAGS="-g -O2"
LD="g++" \
-I. -I./.. -DMATLAB_RELEASE=14 \
./gfm_mex.c ./gfm_common.c ./../gfi_array.c \
../.libs/libgetfemint.a /usr/local/lib/libgetfem.a -lqhull -lblas  || (rm
gf_matlab.mexmac; false)
gcc-3.3: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory

    mex: compile of './gfm_mex.c' failed.

ok at this point, you have to try by hand some variations of the command line :)

for example:

/Applications/MATLAB73/bin/mex -v -output gf_matlab -g CDEBUGFLAGS="-g -O2" CC="gcc-4.0" 
LD="g++" -I. -I./.. -DMATLAB_RELEASE=14 ./gfm_mex.c ./gfm_common.c ./../gfi_array.c 
../.libs/libgetfemint.a /usr/local/lib/libgetfem.a -lqhull -lblas

you can use the "-v" flag with mex to see how it invokes the compilers. Apparently your gcc-3.3 is not working so I think the above command should work


rm: gf_matlab.mexmac: No such file or directory
make[3]: *** [gf_matlab.mexmac] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

I noticed that it says gcc-3.3, while the rest of this interface is compiled
with g++, linked to /usr/bin/g++ -> g++-4.0
May that be the reason for the problem, and if so, is there a fix. Note that
the MatLab version 7.3 is still not completely tailored for intel-based macs
(one can run it command-line based only without using the jvm).

Any help welcome - thanks - Koen

On 3/11/06 15:39, "julien pommier" <address@hidden> wrote:

Yes there is a 'mex' program which is supplied with the latex
distributions on mac computers. Just indicate to correct path to the
matlab mex in the ./configure, with:

   ./configure MEX=/Applications/MATLAB704/bin/mex

(if you have matlab of course, or you can use the "--enable-matlab=no" flag)

Indeed there was a check for this wrong mex in the configure script but
it seems to be broken right now, I'll try to fix that.


Julien Pommier, bureau 111
GMM, INSA Toulouse, tél:05 61 55 93 42

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