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Re: [Getfem-users] problem with dirichlet boundary conditions

From: julien pommier
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] problem with dirichlet boundary conditions
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:38:23 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061117)

Hi Eugen,
Your Dirichlet condition is imposed by penalization, which may be the source of your problem. Try with 'eliminated' or 'augmented' , I think the error that you observe should improve

(especially since we use a 1e9 weight for the penalization and you have very large coefficients which are the same order of magnitude)


Eugen Wintersberger wrote:
Hi there
I try to solve a very simple problem with getfem: a bended bar. In fact I consider a bar fixed on one side and exerted to a force (in
negative z direction) on the other one. Clearly on the fixed end I have
Dirichlet boundary conditios with \vec{u}=0 and some force on the other
side. Therefore, I expect that the maximum value in uz would be zero
(due to the Dirichlet boundary condition).
However, in the solution I get the following:
solve done!
get displacement field
ux min: -1.090228e-08, max: 1.090042e-08
uy min: -4.643458e-07, max: 4.642960e-07
uz min: -5.047865e-06, max: 1.396889e-09
Obviously, the maximum in uz direction is not zero. Attached to this
mail you will find the small python program performing the calculation. Is there any obvious mistake I did in the program?

best regards Eugen Wintersberger

PS: I'm quite new to getfem and to FEM in general ;) so I hope my
question is not too stupid ;))

#perform a simple calculation - interactive namespace from
#the ipython shell
import salome_mesh as smesh
import getfem
import numarray

[mesh,groups] = smesh.unv2getfem("simplebar.unv",3);
print groups

#some general nodes
degree = 1.0;

#have to assemble an elasticity problem now
mfu = getfem.MeshFem(mesh,3);
mfe = getfem.MeshFem(mesh,1);
mfdata = getfem.MeshFem(mesh,1);
mim = getfem.MeshIm(mesh,getfem.Integ("IM_TETRAHEDRON(5)"));
mfu.set_fem(getfem.Fem("FEM_PK(3,%i)" %(degree)));
mfe.set_fem(getfem.Fem("FEM_PK(3,%i)" %(degree)));

#set the regions for the boundary conditions
fixed_faces = mesh.faces_from_pid(groups["FixedBoundary"]);
force_faces = mesh.faces_from_pid(groups["ForceBoundary"]);
print fixed_faces
print fixed_faces.shape

#material parameters
c44 = 79.62e+9; c12 = 63.93e+9;
lam =  c12;
mu = c44;
#calculate the source term
source_term = [0.0,0.0,-10.0];

b0 = getfem.MdBrick("isotropic_linearized_elasticity",mim,mfu);

#set the source term
b1 = getfem.MdBrick("source term",b0,1);
b2 = getfem.MdBrick("dirichlet",b1,2,mfu,"penalized");

mds = getfem.MdState(b2);
print "running solver ..."
print "solve done!"

print "get displacement field"
U = mds.state()[0:mfu.nbdof()];
ux = U[0::3];
uy = U[1::3];
uz = U[2::3];
print "ux min: %e, max: %e" %(min(ux),max(ux))
print "uy min: %e, max: %e" %(min(uy),max(uy))
print "uz min: %e, max: %e" %(min(uz),max(uz))
print mfu.nbdof()
#vm = b0.von_mises(mds,mfe);

#save some data
print "export mesh to DX file"

#slice the data and export it
print "export slice to DX file"
sl = getfem.Slice(("boundary",),mfu,degree);
slui = getfem.Slice(("boundary",),mfe,degree);
slui.export_to_dx("displacement.dx","ascii",mfe,uz,"Displacement Field uz");
slui.export_to_dx("displacement.dx","ascii","append",mfe,ux,"Displacement Field 
slui.export_to_dx("displacement.dx","ascii","append",mfe,uy,"Displacement Field 
sl.export_to_dx("displacement.dx","ascii","append",mfu,U,"Displacement Field 

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Julien Pommier, bureau 111
GMM, INSA Toulouse, tél:05 61 55 93 42

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