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Re: [Getfem-users] different mesh_fem definitions for different regions

From: Renard Yves
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] different mesh_fem definitions for different regions
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 14:40:33 +0200
User-agent: Dynamic Internet Messaging Program (DIMP) H3 (1.1.2)

Dear Umut,

If your region is a part of a mesh (not a boundary), you can simply defines the mesh fem by setting a finite element method only on the element of this region. You can also define a mesh_fem on the whole mesh but specify the region to the assembly procedures (or to the brick if you use the new bricks in Getfem++ 4.0). The third mean is indeed to use a partial_mesh_fem object. However, the implementation in Getfem++ 3.1 is not efficient at all. The implementation
in Getfem++ 4.0 has been simplified and optimized.


Umut Tabak <address@hidden> a écrit :

Dear all,

I am trying to form the system matrices for an interior vibro-acoustic
problem where some fluid domain is coupled to a structural domain. So I
have two domains with two different mesh structure(well not really
actually, they both have hexa linear elements but the properties are of
course different). I am using gmsh extensively for my pre-processing
operations, where I can import the region information directly. The
above mentioned domains are defined as different domains, with physical
region definitions in the geo file of Gmsh. My question is, how can I
assign different mesh_fem objects to different regions for the above
defined mesh. And use this info to form my system matrices in getfem++?

I checked the manual there is a partial_mesh_fem object, which is
designed for the above tasks, I suppose, it is not clear to me how to
use this object, if it is the right one.

Could some provide pointers for this?

Best regards,


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