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Re: [Getfem-users] pb with ind_dof, nb_dof...

From: Renard Yves
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] pb with ind_dof, nb_dof...
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 17:58:39 +0200
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Dear Clair,

Indeed, this should work when you replace "dof" by "basic_dof" in function names. It should work also if you just ignore the warnings. If it is still not working, please post a as small as possible program which where the problem occurs.


Clair Poignard <address@hidden> a écrit :

Dear All,

in the version getfem-3.1, I was using the following procedure (see the end of the mail) to obtain a mass_matrix jump \int_\Gamma (u^+-u^-)(\phi^+-\phi^-)\xdif \Gamma, where u is the unknown (discontinuous across \Gamma), and \phi is the test-function in the space of function piecewise H^1 (I used FEM_PK_DISCONTINUOUS elements to solve this problem).

In the new version, when I compile I am said that "ind_dof_of_element' is deprecated" and similarly for "'nb_dof_of_element'"and for "point_of_dof'". In the file getfem_mesh_fem.h, it is mentioned that ind_basic_dof_of_element has to be used (and similarly for nb_... and point_...) instead of ind_dof_of_element

However if I replace in my program, the mass matrix jump identically equals zero...

As you probably see, I am not an expert in computation, so if you have an idea...

Best regards,


/class mass_matrix_jump : public getfem::compute_on_inter_element {

protected :

 sparse_matrix &M;
 double coeff_;

 virtual void compute_on_gauss_point
 (getfem::fem_interpolation_context ctx1, getfem::pfem pf1,
  getfem::fem_interpolation_context ctx2, getfem::pfem pf2,
  getfem::papprox_integration pai1) {
     scalar_type w = pai1->integration_coefficients()[ctx1.ii()];
   base_small_vector up(mf.linked_mesh().dim());
   const base_matrix& B = ctx1.B();
   gmm::mult(B, pgt1->normals()[f1], up);
   scalar_type norm = gmm::vect_norm2(up);
   scalar_type J = ctx1.J() * norm;

   size_type cv1 = ctx1.convex_num();
   size_type cv2 = ctx2.convex_num();
   getfem::base_tensor t1, t2;
   pf1->real_base_value(ctx1, t1);
   pf2->real_base_value(ctx2, t2);

   for (size_type i = 0; i < pf1->nb_dof(cv1); ++i)
     for (size_type j = 0; j < pf1->nb_dof(cv1); ++j)
     += coeff_ * J * w * t1[i] * t1[j];
        for (size_type i = 0; i < pf2->nb_dof(cv2); ++i)
     for (size_type j = 0; j < pf2->nb_dof(cv2); ++j)
     += coeff_ * J * w * t2[i] * t2[j];
     for (size_type i = 0; i < pf1->nb_dof(cv1); ++i)
     for (size_type j = 0; j < pf2->nb_dof(cv2); ++j) {
     -= coeff_ * J * w * t1[i] * t2[j];
     -= coeff_ * J * w * t1[i] * t2[j];

public :

 mass_matrix_jump(sparse_matrix &MM, const getfem::mesh_im &mmim,
          const getfem::mesh_fem &mmf, double coeff = 1.)
   : compute_on_inter_element(mmim, mmf), M(MM), coeff_(coeff) {
   GMM_ASSERT1(mf.get_qdim() <= 1);


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