Dear Prof. Renard,
Actually, I can install a recent version locally but I cannot change the environmental module for other users.
By the way, it seems the error comes from a mesh destructor. I report the debugger message for completeness:
#0 0x0000000000412cc2 in std::_Rb_tree<getfem::mesh::edge, getfem::mesh::edge, std::_Identity<getfem::mesh::edge>, std::less<getfem::mesh::edge>,
std::allocator<getfem::mesh::edge> >::_M_erase(std::_Rb_tree_node<getfem::mesh::edge>*) ()
#1 0x0000000000417340 in getfem::mesh::~mesh() ()
#2 0x00007ffff7aa0fb3 in getfem::ga_workspace::~ga_workspace() () from /u/geo2/sw/Toolchains/gcc+system/4.9/Packages/libs/getfem/4.3/lib/
#3 0x00007ffff7aa116e in getfem::ga_predef_function::~ga_predef_function() () from /u/geo2/sw/Toolchains/gcc+system/4.9/Packages/libs/getfem/4.3/lib/
#4 0x00007ffff7a64668 in std::map<std::string, getfem::ga_predef_function, std::less<std::string>, std::allocator<std::pair<std::string
const, getfem::ga_predef_function> > >::operator[] ()
from /u/geo2/sw/Toolchains/gcc+system/4.9/Packages/libs/getfem/4.3/lib/
#5 0x00007ffff7a6495d in getfem::init_predef_functions() () from /u/geo2/sw/Toolchains/gcc+system/4.9/Packages/libs/getfem/4.3/lib/
#6 0x00007ffff7aa5f59 in () from /u/geo2/sw/Toolchains/gcc+system/4.9/Packages/libs/getfem/4.3/lib/
#7 0x00007ffff7ca1c36 in __do_global_ctors_aux () from /u/geo2/sw/Toolchains/gcc+system/4.9/Packages/libs/getfem/4.3/lib/
#8 0x00007ffff77f92bb in _init () from /u/geo2/sw/Toolchains/gcc+system/4.9/Packages/libs/getfem/4.3/lib/
#9 0x00007ffff7193000 in ?? ()
#10 0x0000003e9b00e625 in _dl_init_internal () from /lib64/
#11 0x0000003e9b000b3a in _dl_start_user () from /lib64/
#12 0x0000000000000002 in ?? () at /u/geo2/sw/Toolchains/gcc+system/4.9/Packages/libs/getfem/4.3/include/getfem/dal_singleton.h:81
#13 0x00007fffffffcbd4 in ?? ()
#14 0x00007fffffffcc01 in ?? ()
#15 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
I know this is not super informative since we would need to compile also getfem with debug
options to get more infos.
Thank you,
Domenico Notaro
M.Sc. Candidate @ MOX, Dept of Mathematics
Politecnico di Milano, Milan (ITALY)
P.zza Fusina 2, Milan 20133, IT
mobile: (+39) 328
Da: Yves Renard <address@hidden>
Inviato: venerdì 25 marzo 2016 12.53
A: Domenico Notaro; getfem-users
Cc: Paolo Zunino
Oggetto: Re: [Getfem-users] Segfault in std::_Rb_tree with GCC 4.9.2
Dear Domenico,
I dont' know where the problem comes from. You cannot use a more recent version ? (at least
SVN r4729 as suggested in Torquil message )
Le 23/03/2016 17:23, Domenico Notaro a écrit :
Dear Users,
I have some compatibility issues while exporting my GetFem++ code from my own laptop to the department's cluster.
I have the same problem proposed by Torquil Macdonald Sørensen in an old post [].
He was able to address the problem by modifying the getfem version, but I am not allowed to do the same on the cluster. I am also using gcc 4.9.2 with getfem-4.3.
In particular, I successfully compile with debug options and -std=c++11, then I got the following message from GDB:
(gdb) r input.param
Starting program: /u/notaro/model3d1d/src/2_singlebranch/M3D1D input.param
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000422dd6 in std::_Rb_tree<getfem::mesh::edge, getfem::mesh::edge, std::_Identity<getfem::mesh::edge>, std::less<getfem::mesh::edge>, std::allocator<getfem::mesh::edge> >::_S_right(std::_Rb_tree_node_base*) ()
at /u/geo2/sw/Packages/compilers/gcc+system/4.9/include/c++/4.9.2/bits/stl_tree.h:553
553 { return static_cast<_Link_type>(__x->_M_right); }
Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.12-1.166.el6_7.7.x86_64
Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you in advance,
Domenico Notaro
M.Sc. Candidate @ MOX, Dept of Mathematics
Politecnico di Milano, Milan (ITALY)
P.zza Fusina 2, Milan 20133, IT
mobile: (+39) 328 9492189
Skype: domenico.not
Getfem-users mailing list
Yves Renard (address@hidden) tel : (33)
Pole de Mathematiques, INSA-Lyon fax : (33)
20, rue Albert Einstein
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE