Hello, I've been using the python interface upon discovery and installation of 5.0 but now I see I should use gmm for my transient analysis and requires c++. Python worked fine, but upon attempting running the example laplacian.cc, with:
g++ -std=c++11 -o output laplacian.cc -I/usr/local/getfem/include -L/usr/local/getfem/lib/libgetfem.a
I get a stream of errors along the line of
laplacian.cc:(.text._ZN6getfem18ATN_smatrix_outputIN3gmm10row_matrixINS1_8rsvectorIdEEEEE5exec_Emt[_ZN6getfem18ATN_smatrix_outputIN3gmm10row_matrixINS1_8rsvectorIdEEEEE5exec_Emt]+0x356): undefined reference to `bgeot::operator<<(std::ostream&, bgeot::tensor_ranges const&)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Looking for assistance in this matter.