From: | Hojae Yi |
Subject: | Re: [Getfem-users] nodal contact problem |
Date: | Thu, 29 Dec 2016 09:13:41 -0500 |
User-agent: | K-9 Mail for Android |
KostasBest regardsThank you for testing this old contact brick. However I would recommend you to use the integral contact bricks which are in general superior and more heavily tested. The convergence problems that you are experiencing are not some intrinsic problem of the integral contact brick but most probably due to the way you are setting up your model.Dear Hojae,that was a bug in GetFEM++ that I have just fixed in this commit
http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/getfem/trunk/getfem/src/getfem_contact_and_friction_nodal.cc?r1=5496&r2=5495&pathrev=5496On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 3:25 AM, Dr. Hojae Yi <address@hidden> wrote:Dear Yves and Kostas:
Thank you so much for spending your time on my code. I removed the 'lambda_n' definition and ran the code. It runs through without error on that line but now I get an error of 'dimensions mismatch' at 'md.solve('max_res', 1E-5, 'max_iter', 100, 'very_noisy' , 'lsearch', 'simplest', 'alpha min', 0.8)'.
By the way, the code runs fine when I use 'add_integral_contact_between_
nonmatching_meshes_brick(mim1, 'u1', 'u2', 'lambda_n', 'r', 'f_coeff', CONTACT_BOUND_WHEEL, CONTACT_BOUND_FND)' instead of using 'add_nodal_contact_between_ nonmatching_meshes_brick'. In this case, I define 'lambda_n' with 'md.add_multiplier('lambda_n', mfu1, 'u1', mim1, CONTACT_BOUND_WHEEL)'. It runs without an error but it does not converge.
I will dig in further to find out where I made a mistake.
Best regards,
On 12/28/2016 04:43 PM, Konstantinos Poulios wrote:
KostasBest regardsshould be removed.Dear Yves and Hojae,The error "The given name for the multiplier is already reserved in the model" occurs because the brick requires to define the multiplier internally. In Hojae's script however, 'lambda_n' is already defined earlier. The definition
md.add_variable('lambda_n', nbc_wheel) ## Number of contact boundary dof for normal contact`
On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Yves Renard <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear Hojae,
I think the right call should be
md.add_nodal_contact_between_nonmatching_meshes_brick(mim1, mim2, 'u1', 'u2', 'lambda_n', 'r', CONTACT_BOUND_WHEEL, CONTACT_BOUND_FND, True, False, 1)
(If you indicate a 'lambda_t' then the friction coefficient is needed. However, it does not work. The given error is "The given name for the multiplier is already reserved in the model". Kostas, do you have an explanation for this ?
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Hojae Yi" <address@hidden>
> <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:To: "logari81" <address@hidden>
Cc: "yves renard" <address@hidden>, "getfem-users" <address@hidden>
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2016 3:34:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] nodal contact problem
Hello Kostas:
Thank you for the reply.
did, I got the error of "Argument 10 must be a string" error with the
region id's. It was same when I added friction coefficient data name as
''md.add_nodal_contact_between_nonmatching_meshes_brick( mim1, mim2,
'u1', 'u2', 'lambda_n', 'lambda_t', 'r', 'f_coeff', CONTACT_BOUND_WHEEL,
CONTACT_BOUND_FND, True, False, 1)".
I tried mesh1.pid_in_regions(CONTACT_BOUND_WHEEL) since I found that
those arguments are defined as 'const std::vector<size_type> &rg1' in
the C++ code.
I feel like I am missing some obvious mistake I made somewhere in my code.
Kind regards,
On 12/24/2016 3:47 AM, Konstantinos Poulios wrote:
> Dear Hojae
> From what I am seeing, you should replace
> mesh1.pid_in_regions(CONTACT_BOUND_WHEEL) with CONTACT_BOUND_WHEEL.
> CONTACT_BOUND_WHEEL is the region id. The same applies to
> Best regards
> Kostas
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 9:56 PM, Hojae Yi <address@hidden
> Hello Yves,
> Than you very much for the reply. I thought and tried that rg1 and
> rg2 should be boundary numbers as you explained (and in the
> documents). Just in case, I am attaching my code with a comment to
> highlight the line issues an error. It is line number 200. Let me
> know if there is anything unclear about this revised code.
> Best regards,
> Hojae
> On 12/23/2016 2:43 PM, Yves Renard wrote:
> Dear Hojae,
> The best is that you send the lines of your code that are not
> working.
> rg1 and rg2 are boundary numbers so that they should be some
> integers.
> Yves.
> ----- Original Message -----
> address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> From: "Hojae Yi" <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>
> To: "getfem-users" <address@hidden
> <mailto:address@hidden>>
> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2016 8:25:34 PM
> Subject: [Getfem-users] nodal contact problem
> Hello,
> First of all, thank you so much for a great FEA package!
> I am currently using GetFEM 5.1 using Python. I have been
> toying with
> provided 'demo_wheel_contact.py' and trying to apply
> add_nodal_contact_between_nonmatching_meshes_brick using two
> contact
> surfaces. However, when I run, it complains that rg1 (and rg2)
> should be
> a string. Python Interface reference explains that rg1 and rg2 as
> integers while User Document explains them as vectors.
> Can someone kindly point me where I can find further
> information on how
> these rg1 and rg2 should be defined? Let me know if any
> further details
> are needed.
> Thank you very much!
> Hojae
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