Dear David,
Yes, you are right, the problem is the same for the However, it influences only the degrees of
freedom on the interior boundary, so that the impact is rather
limited. The small penalization term was added because the
coupling between the contact condition and alpha_D is relatively
stiff and Newton algorithm can have some difficulty (may be alos
the fact that alpha_D is onely one unknow among several thousand
and its influence in the Newton residual is too small).
Le 24/02/2017 à 11:40, David Danan a écrit :
Dear Yves,
thanks for your answer, as you said it is indeed very
easy to prescribe the value of an unknown at a point of
a domain but i wanted to avoid that if possible.
For now, i will use the pointwise
constraint brick.
Just out of curiosity, regarding the stiffness
matrix, the same issue should exist to a lesser extent
for the (for the rigidity of the
rim), shouldn't it? Is that what was meant by
"This means that the line of the tangent matrix
corresponding to alpha_D may have a lot of
nonzero components. This is why such a use of fixed size
variable have to be done with care." ?
Is it also why a penalisation is used or is it
completely unrelated?
Sorry for all these naive questions.
De : Yves Renard <address@hidden>
A: David Danan <address@hidden>; getfem-users
Envoyé le : Je, 23 Fév 2017 16:33
Sujet : Re: [Getfem-users] Warning: Inefficient addition
of element in rsvector
Dear David,
You add a global term, so that the stiffness
matrix is no longer sparse at all. This is why gmm
complains. And the linear system solve will only
be possible for a small number of degrees of
freedom. This is avoidable with a specific solve
of the system, writing explicitely the constraint
matrix as a rank one matrix. Of course, a simpler
alternative is to prescribe the value of the
unknown at any point of the domain (with a
pointwise constraint brick, this is very easy) and
if there is a specific need for solution to be of
zero average, make a post-translation of the
Le 23/02/2017 à 11:17, David Danan a écrit :
Getfem users,
i wanted to solve a simple laplacian with pure
Neumann boundary condition on a cube.
In order to do so, since the problem is
ill-posed, i added the following constraint on
the unknown u
int_omega u dx=0
via a Lagrangian multiplier.
In the code, the left-hand side is defined by
Model.add_fem_variable("u", mf_u);
mim, "(Grad_u.Grad_Test_u)");
model.add_fixed_size_variable("lambda", 1);
mim, "(lambda*Test_u)");
mim, "(u*Test_lambda)");
If i am not mistaken, it should correspond to
the left hand side described in
for instance
As a result, the mean value is relatively
small in comparison with u (while not exactly
However, when i run the program, i get the
following warning:
Level 2 Warning in ../../src/gmm/gmm_vector.h,
line 592: Inefficient addition of element in
rsvector with **** non-zero entries
Did i do something wrong? If i didn't, is it
possible to disable this warning?
Thanks in advance,
Getfem-users mailing list
Yves Renard (address@hidden) tel : (33)
Pole de Mathematiques, INSA-Lyon fax : (33)
20, rue Albert Einstein
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE
Yves Renard (address@hidden) tel : (33)
Pole de Mathematiques, INSA-Lyon fax : (33)
20, rue Albert Einstein
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE