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Re: Error in assembly string, maybe due to mesh definition

From: Konstantinos Poulios
Subject: Re: Error in assembly string, maybe due to mesh definition
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2019 09:02:59 +0100


Could you also share the whole output before and after the "error in assembly string" message?


On Fri, Nov 29, 2019 at 1:31 PM Davide Manfredo <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear Getfem++ Users,

I have the following bricks, in my assembled and working matrix, using MATLAB Interface

gf_model_set (md, 'add nonlinear generic assembly brick', mimLp, 'Div_uv.Test_pv', -1, 0, 0); 
gf_model_set (md, 'add nonlinear generic assembly brick', mimLv, '-pv.Div_Test_uv', -1, 0, 0);

where uv and pv are two of the four unknowns of the system, and the mesh is a straight segment LambdaM defined as follows
Lambdaref= 0:1/(nbsk-1):1;
LambdaM=gf_mesh('cartesian', Lambdaref);

and mimLp and mimLv are the integration methods for uv and pv respectively over LambdaM. 
uv is approximated by 'FEM_PK(1,1)'
pv is approximated by 'FEM_PK_DISCONTINUOUS(1,0)'

This is running properly, my problem starts when I modify the mesh.
In fact, I tried to define an empty mesh to which I added geometrical properties and points one by one, in the following way

LambdaM=gf_mesh('empty',3);  %Here Lambda is of dimension 3 because it's supposed to be a segment embedded in a 3D domain
gf_mesh_set(LambdaM, 'add point', [point vect]);

Running the same codes as above I received the error "error in assembly string". 
Do you have any idea what the problem could be? I think that the problem lies in the mesh definition, but I can't see where specifically since other bricks work perfectly and with the other mesh definition I didn't have any problem. 

Thank you very much for your support,
Davide Manfredo

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