Dear Yves,
Could you please provide me with a hint on how to implement
an inclusion with level set.
I want to implement an inversion/optimization problem with
a given conductive homogeneous medium.
There is a dipole
source with given frequency, power and location and i am
modeling a field via Helmholtz equation or MaxwelL equation
Then i want to put an anomalous object (that has different
non zero conductivity/k ^2) inside the media such a way so
field propagation and frequency resolution is sensitive to the
My optimization problem is to find the anomalia's position
and shape to minimize a misfit with the measured field. It is
close to structural_optimization.m example
but i don't need holes i need an inclusion.
It still seems to me that it is very reasonable to use a
LevelSet based technique to describe the anomalia and its
But using the level-set raises the variable jump
immediately instead of the operator coefficient jump that i
need for.
I looked through some other examples(like fictitious
domains) but still have no way to come up with.
Please share with me some hints if you have one.
Regards, Egor Vtorushin