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Re: Mutual radiation between surfaces

From: Konstantinos Poulios
Subject: Re: Mutual radiation between surfaces
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 17:05:09 +0100

discussion continued at

On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 4:37 PM Lorenzo Ferro <> wrote:
Dear All,

I was trying to figure out how to implement radiation between two surface regions.
In detail, I would like to calculate the view factors of each CVFID of the first region respect to each CVFID of the second region and then calculate the heat loss based on the radiosity calculated.
Skipping the particular implementation details, I'd like to figure out how to use GWFL to calculate relations between each single boundary element "k" and all the others "j", obtaining a matrix F_kj to be used in the assembly procedure.

Thank you.

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