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[gfsd][Fwd - Frm: address@hidden, Subj: Java library for the GNU Project

From: Free Software Foundation
Subject: [gfsd][Fwd - Frm: address@hidden, Subj: Java library for the GNU Project]
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 18:50:00 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.15i

A java program for XML.

----- Forwarded message from Simon Buenzli <address@hidden> -----

To: <address@hidden>
From: "Simon Buenzli" <address@hidden>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 00:08:12 +0200
Subject: Java library for the GNU Project


I wanted to contribute a small, but very handy Java package: xml2class
(cf. my mail from 04/10/01).

It serves for very facilitated data and data structure handling in XML. It's
very useful in several situations:
- if you want to store data in a XML file, you'll just have to write one
small method into your data classes and then the data object may be saved
and retrieved with just two lines of code.
- if you want to build some data structure basing on invariable data (such
as menu structures), it may be easier to describe the structure in XML and
parse it then at runtime.
- if you're not sure about the abilities of a new data structure, construct
a preview in XML - and use it later directly.
- when writing tests, instead of writing the test setup in Java, it can be a
lot easier to do it in XML.
- if you want to work with XML data, but you don't like the size or the
complexity of Xerxes, JAXP or any other XML parser (xml2class is only 12 Kb
and for daily use, you need to know just two methods).
- if you want to store an application with all its information into a file,
in order to resume at a later moment, instead of sequentializing it, you may
store it to a XML file...

For some code examples, have a look at the X2cPrototypes at
(you'll find there an address database, a menu structure, a stack and a
puzzle solver, all using a combination of Java and XML in order to
facilitate one of the above mentioned situations).

Since the first version, there have been some minor changes:
- one line parsing and saving
- enhanced entity support (unicode character entities)
- minor bug fixes

Still xml2class won't do all the work for you, but shows you some options on
how to create a data structure and for a minimum of adaption from your side,
you'll get a maximum of usability and comfort for your project.

Learn more about xml2class at
(source and byte code, documentation, examples).

For questions and comments, don't bother to ask me.
I'll be expecting your answer.


Simon B?nzli     =Z=
--> mailto:address@hidden

----- End forwarded message -----

Bradley M. Kuhn, Vice President
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