Freeze Dried Poi
After three years of research, we're now proud to offer Freeze Dried Poi.
To produce our Freeze Dried Poi we first manufactured fresh pa`i`ai (concentrated poi) and froze it as it came out of the mill. We flew this frozen poi to Oregon where it was freeze dried and packaged. (There are no freeze drying facilities in Hawaii.)
Each vacuum packed can contains 7 oz of powder: enough to make almost 3 1/2 pounds of poi. Each can comes with a resealable plastic lid.
The freeze dried poi will last about one year, so you can always have poi on hand in your cupboard. And it makes an excellent gift for friends on the mainland.
While the price might seem expensive, please remember that this makes almost 3 1/2 pounds of poi.
Order Freeze Dried PoiPoi Lavosh - Biscotti Gift Box
An 8 oz. package of poi biscotti, a 4 oz. package of poi lavosh and a 1.75 oz. package of Chef Russell Siu's Hawaiian Coffee. Gift wrapped in an attractive box natural box with an Art Deco Hawaiian picture.
Order A Gift Box
Waikiki - In The Wake of Dreams
This rare historical look at the land and the people who call Waikiki home explores their contributions to American culture. From the royal sport of surfing to the invention of the ukulele, the steel guitar, and the modern swimsuit, youll discover how a small stretch of sand and its residents have had a far-reaching effect on American life.
The film brings us a Waikiki that for ancient Hawaiians was a place of healing and special power. Later, famous people from 19th Century writers such as Mark Twain and Robert Louis Stevenson to Hollywood movie stars visited the legendary spot to savor Hawaiian culture and enjoy the good life.
However, WAIKIKI is not really about the countless celebrities who enjoyed Waikiki, rather it is about the ocean, the sand, the music and the people who give the area life.
"We hope this film will inspire people to come back to Waikiki, see it with different eyes, and appreciate its deeper history" says Edgy Lee, the director.
Order Waikiki Video or Book