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[gfsd]Fwd: Re: Google disappears in China

From: proclus
Subject: [gfsd]Fwd: Re: Google disappears in China
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 13:39:11 -0400 (EDT)

Here is a somewhat more complete description, which RMS asked me to
send along.


I discovered sslproxy in the FreeBSD ports directory.  The idea is to
extract FSD entries from the ports directories of the various BSD
distributions.  For example, FreeBSD is constantly growing their
ports tree, which now has about 10,000 listings, most of which are truly
free software.  OpenBSD is similar to FreeBSD in this respect, but they
are far more careful and choosey about what they include.  NetBSD is
particularly helpful because each listing in their "pkgsrc" directory
is flagged according to the software license.

As part of my GNU-Darwin related work, I have an intimate knowledge of
these systems, and how to automate within their frameworks.  It would
be relatively easy for me to do the FSD entry extraction, and to contact
the various maintainers as required.

Down the road, we are planning to automate the integration of all free
software projects on the SourceForge into the ports system, so that
they can be built and packaged for distribution.  This would be a more
challenging project, which could also be used to generate FSD listings.
SourceForge also categorizes projects by license, which simplifies the
problem.  As many as 6000 listings might be added to the system in this

So, this is really a way of generating FSD entries for projects which
are validly free software, while doing what we do anyway.  I can
certainly understand the desire for a more human touch on the FSD, so
there won't be any complaints or hard feelings if this offer is

Visit proclus realm!
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