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[gfsd] Be delighted with Had doubts that these things really work? Check

From: Weldon
Subject: [gfsd] Be delighted with Had doubts that these things really work? Check this out and join the thousands of happy men!
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:20:25 +0800

New New
 You are just a click away from something which will eliminate your most 
distressing trouble. A couple of month of continued use, and you will have 
something to boast about in locker rooms.

 She will never leave you because of the supernatural intimate size you got.  
Get ready to hear girls spreading gossip behind your back about your new size. 
Come in here: 
Just imagine how wonderful your life would become with a bigger size and 
increased duration.

 Use it or lose it When alone, we have our thoughts to watch, in our families, 
our tempers and in society our tongues Speak when you are spoken to Lookers on 
see most of the game When children stand still they have done some ill

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