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[GHM 2022] GNU Jitter workshop?

From: Luca Saiu
Subject: [GHM 2022] GNU Jitter workshop?
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2022 20:29:20 +0200
User-agent: Gnus (Gnus v5.13), GNU Emacs 29.0.50, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu


As part of the GHM plan I would like to organise a GNU Jitter practical
workshop, following Mohammad's talk on the same topic.

I would present a problem to solve (writing a JIT for a very simple
programming language, yielding reasonably good performance), divided
into small steps.

For each step I would give you time to work on your laptops and solve a
sub-problem, until in the end you obtain a complete working program at
the end.

I will be available to unblock you when you become stuck, and will
implement a complete solution live at the end of each step.

In order to participate you will need a laptop with a GNU/Linux system
already installed (a VM is sufficient), plus a few prerequisites that
will be announced in advance including Jitter.

The workshop will be accessible to C programmers even without knowledge
of compilers or programming languages.  I will provide a frontend
(scanner and parser) ready to download, already written.

For the attendees: would you be interested in participating?  Please
tell me either here replying to or in private.


Luca Saiu
* My personal web site:
* GNU Jitter:  
* GNU epsilon: 

I support everyone's freedom of mocking any opinion or belief, no
matter how deeply held, with open disrespect and the same unrelented
enthusiasm of a toddler who has just learned the word "poo".

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