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Re: [Giftweb-discuss] CVS updated

From: Gregory Gee
Subject: Re: [Giftweb-discuss] CVS updated
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2004 17:10:47 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

Matthew T. Jachimstal wrote:

Just some notes that I've thought of while perusing your changes:

        Yes, make them links instead of a form (that was ugly). But, keep
        everything in one file. All siteadmin functions should be done in
        siteadmin.php. Don't make a separate file for each task.

        So, fold in manageevents.php, manageusers.php.
        Probably grpedit.php, too.

  Sounds ok to me.  I believe I fixed all the bugs in the grpedit.php so that
it isn't "Broken" anymore.

        I _still_ don't like the idea of any user being able to automatically
        create a group. After the mess I just went through on my live site[1],
        I'm convinced that some oversight is necessary.

  I didn't think that the newgrp.php was finished.  I just wanted to get the
ability to create them first.  The next step was to get the new groups to be
approved by the site admin.  I hadn't gotten to that part yet.

        [1] A user joined _all_ my groups and started marking items purchased.
            marked _all_ of my (personal) items! I had no idea who this person
                was; I suspect it was someone trying out the system. It just
                solidified the idea that you can't let just any user run wild
                on the system.

   How was this person allowed to join groups?  Don't you have to be approved
before you can start marking items purchased?

I'm taking the changes from smallest diff to largest diff to an
individual file. Of course, some of them have to be taken together which
makes the process that much harder. I have to comprehend all the changes
(sometimes as a whole) in order to be able to see what they're doing. :)



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