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[Giftweb-discuss] Ado DB Dependanciy

From: Michaël P.
Subject: [Giftweb-discuss] Ado DB Dependanciy
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 01:29:40 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (X11/20040306)


I wanted to install GiftWeb, which seems to be the only free php gift list project still alive.

But the program seems to need an "adodb/" file, which is not provided with the source of the project. I presume this fill should come from the DB_ado pear package.

But this pear package depend on a com extension of php, which is available only on windows system :-( So giftweb can not be installed on an unix system!

Unless I made an error (perhaps the adodb missing file doesn't come from the DB_ado pear package?) I think you really should use another db abstract layer, like the DB pear one, which is far more portable.

Michaël P.
gpg:        D4C8 F73D A000 71C7 44EF  27E6 8982 4991 7126 3CE3

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