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[Gluster-devel] Gluster update | need your support

From: Anand Babu Periasamy
Subject: [Gluster-devel] Gluster update | need your support
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2008 02:39:06 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20080724)

Dear Members,
Even though Gluster team is growing at a steady phase, our aggressive 
schedule out phases our resources. We need to expand and also maintain a 1:1 
developer /
QA engineer ratio. Our major development focus in the next 8 months will be 

 * Large scale regression tests (24/7/365)
 * Web based monitoring and management
 * Hot upgrade/add/remove of storage nodes
 * Gluster Embedded Storage Operating System ( GESOS )
 * and of course more translators: snapshot, dedup, compression, encryption..

In a month, we will also open up a 100TB Infiniband and GigE based clustered storage for community evaluation/testing.

We are in the middle of raising a venture capital investment. We need 
use-cases and active references. It will be a phenomenal help, if you all help
us cross this bridge.

How can you help:
* Add yourself to the "Who's using GlusterFS page":

* Provide testimonials:

* Volunteer as a reference for venture capital technical due-diligence:
  Please write to Anand Babu <address@hidden> your name, email and phone number.
  We promise, your information will be kept strictly confidential.

Thanks in advance,
Happy Hacking!
Gluster Team

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