From: mohan L <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2008 7:09:17 PM
Subject: [Gluster-devel] Re :Confusion GlusterFS over GFS(Global File system)
Dear all,
I am looking for GlusterFS and GFS(Red Hat Global File system) to set up shared database storage. I am confused some thing.Now i am writting this in some assumption but i am not clear my assumption is correct or not . in case any thing wrong please guide me .Thanks for your time .
We have five socail web sites ,we are using MySQL to store user profile . Now we are currently using NFS to meet data sharing requirement (for each site with a single NFS server with its own local storage connected to a number of clients on network).For Example : Let us assume A ,B,C,D,E are our sites and NFS1,NFS2,NFS3,NFS4,NFS5 are five NFS server .If a user search in site A it seraches only NFS1 only but i want to make it to serach on all scalability , high performance can't bet achived in current NFS set up.The sucess of our bussness requires 100% availability , scalability ,high performance ,data sharing for our web serving infrastrusture.
To find solution for those requirement i am looking cluster file system to setup test environment for that .I am new to both networking and cluster file system but i am familer with Linux.
I saw GlusterFS and GFS .Finaly i took GlusterFS installed one two machines ,it works fine .but yesterday i found one forum ,there somebody is telling
1).GFS/OCFS is about sharing the block device.
2).NFS/PNFS/GlusterFS is about
sharing the filesystem (and DRBD seems like a nice solution to
replicate block devices)
link : my question is
1). what is the difference between sharing file system and sharing block device? which one is best for shared data base storage .
2).How do compare GlusterFS and GFS?
3).Is any one can recomand which one is best for our above requirement with some reson?
4).we are using MyISAM as storage engine, GlusterFS can support it? Is there any relevent document related to MySQl with GlustterFS? i googled it ,but badly i am not get relavent information.
5).I have 8 machine for testing perpose ,but i have installed only two machine only ,one for GlusterFG server and GlusterFS client on another machine .using clien volume file i am mounted /var/dir from server to client . Here i have two issue what is the job of GlusterFS Server and GlusterFS client?
6).Next i want to install GlusterFS server on 5 machine with own local storage and GlusterFS client on one machine,then i want to mount different directories from server to one client machine . Is it correct way?
7). mysql default path is /var/lib/mysql/ . how do i mount this directory to client? can i mount like normal directory?
Please can any one help me.
Thanks to your time