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Re: Bug in BitWordOps Xor function

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: Re: Bug in BitWordOps Xor function
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2024 11:14:38 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.2 (gnu/linux)

"Nelson H. F. Beebe" <> writes:

> The WordXor() function in module BitWordOps is almost always wrong,
> and if given a 0 argument, it aborts the program run.
> The exclusive-OR operation can be implemented in just three hardware
> instructions, as discussed in the acclaimed book, Hacker's Delight.
> whose details are found at
> I have used that implementation to write a correct Xor operation for
> Modula-2, and verifiable in a companion C implementation exhibited in
> these programs and their output:
>       % cat testxor32.c
>       /*
>       ** Test the Hacker's Delight recipe for XOR, in support of debugging
>       ** the Modula-2 WordXor() function.
>       **
>       ** Usage:
>       **      cc [ -DMAXTEST=nnn ] testxor32.c && time ./a.out
>       */
>       #include <stdio.h>
>       #include <stdint.h>
>       #include <stdlib.h>
>       #if !defined(MAXTEST)
>       #define MAXTEST 65536   /* run-time: -O3: 5 sec (no opt: 14 sec) on 3 
> GHz Intel Xeon */
>       #endif
>       int
>       main(void)
>       {
>           uint32_t a, b, c, d, e, f;
>           uint64_t nerr, ntest;
>           nerr = 0UL;
>           ntest = 0UL;
>           for (a = 0; a < MAXTEST; ++a)
>           {
>               for (b = 0; b < MAXTEST; ++b)
>               {
>                   ++ntest;
>                   c = a ^ b;
>                   d = a | b;          /* see Hacker's Delight, 2nd ed., p. 16 
> */
>                   e = a & b;
>                   f = d - e;          /* f = XOR(a,b) */
>                   if (c != f)
>                   {
>                       if (++nerr < 6)
>                           (void)printf("%#x ^ %#x = %#x: 
> hackers_delight_xor() = %#x\n",
>                                        a, b, c, f);
>                   }
>               }
>           }
>           if (nerr > 0)
>               (void)printf("FAILURE: %llu of %llu tests failed\n", nerr, 
> ntest);
>           else
>               (void)printf("SUCCESS: ALL %llu TESTS PASSED\n", ntest);
>           return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
>       }
> Here is the output:
>       % cc testxor32.c && ./a.out
>       SUCCESS: ALL 4294967296 TESTS PASSED
> Here is the Modula-2 comparison of my 3-line implementation of the XOR
> operation, versus BitWordOps,WordXor():
>       % cat TestWordXor.mod
>       MODULE TestWordXor;
>       FROM BitWordOps IMPORT WordAnd, WordOr, WordXor;
>       FROM CardinalIO IMPORT WriteLongCardinal;
>       FROM FIO        IMPORT FlushOutErr;
>       FROM NumberIO   IMPORT WriteHex;
>       FROM StrIO      IMPORT WriteLn, WriteString;
>       CONST MAXTEST = 65536;  (* run-time: -O3: 30 sec (no opt: 40 sec) on 3 
> GHz Intel Xeon *)
>             MAXREPORT = 10;
>       VAR k : CARDINAL;
>           a, b, c, d, e, f: CARDINAL32;
>           nerr, ntest : CARDINAL64;
>       PROCEDURE test(s : ARRAY OF CHAR; a, b, c: CARDINAL32);
>       BEGIN
>           WriteString(s);
>           WriteString('(0x');
>           WriteHex(a, 8);
>           WriteString(', 0x');
>           WriteHex(b, 8);
>           WriteString(') = 0x');
>           WriteHex(c, 8);
>           WriteLn;
>           FlushOutErr()
>       END test;
>       BEGIN
>           WriteString('Test of WordXor()');
>           WriteLn;
>           WriteLn;
>           ntest := 0;
>           nerr := 0;
>           a := 0FFFF0000H;
>           b :=  00FFFFFFH;
>           c := WordXor(a, b);
>           test('WordXor', a, b, c);
>           FOR a := 1 TO MAXTEST DO
>               FOR b := 1 TO MAXTEST DO
>                   INC(ntest);
>                   d := WordOr(a, b);           (* see Hacker's Delight, 2nd 
> ed., p. 16 *)
>                   e := WordAnd(a, b);
>                   f := d - e;                  (* f = XOR(a,b) *)
>                   c := WordXor(a, b);
>                   (* WordXor() is broken in gm2-13 and gm2-14 up to January 
> 2024 releases *)
>                   (* It gets a zero-divide failure if either argument is 0 *)
>                   (* Avoid those cases, and report just the failing instances 
> *)
>                   IF c <> f THEN
>                       INC(nerr);
>                       IF nerr < MAXREPORT THEN
>                           test('HackersDelightXor', a, b, f);
>                           test('WordXor          ', a, b, c);
>                           WriteLn;
>                           FlushOutErr()
>                       END
>                   END
>               END
>           END;
>           IF nerr > 0 THEN
>               WriteString('FAILURE: ');
>               WriteLongCardinal(nerr, 0);
>               WriteString(' of ');
>               WriteLongCardinal(ntest, 0);
>               WriteString(' tests failed')
>           ELSE
>               WriteString('SUCCESS: ALL ');
>               WriteLongCardinal(ntest, 0);
>               WriteString(' TESTS PASSED')
>           END;
>           WriteLn
>       END TestWordXor.
> Here is the output:
>       % gm2 TestWordXor.mod && ./a.out
>       Test of WordXor()
>       WordXor(0xFFFF0000, 0x00FFFFFF) = 0x000000FF
>       HackersDelightXor(0x00000001, 0x00000001) = 0x00000000
>       WordXor          (0x00000001, 0x00000001) = 0x00000001
>       HackersDelightXor(0x00000001, 0x00000002) = 0x00000003
>       WordXor          (0x00000001, 0x00000002) = 0x00000000
>       HackersDelightXor(0x00000001, 0x00000003) = 0x00000002
>       WordXor          (0x00000001, 0x00000003) = 0x00000000
>       HackersDelightXor(0x00000001, 0x00000004) = 0x00000005
>       WordXor          (0x00000001, 0x00000004) = 0x00000000
>       HackersDelightXor(0x00000001, 0x00000005) = 0x00000004
>       WordXor          (0x00000001, 0x00000005) = 0x00000000
>       HackersDelightXor(0x00000001, 0x00000006) = 0x00000007
>       WordXor          (0x00000001, 0x00000006) = 0x00000000
>       HackersDelightXor(0x00000001, 0x00000007) = 0x00000006
>       WordXor          (0x00000001, 0x00000007) = 0x00000000
>       HackersDelightXor(0x00000001, 0x00000008) = 0x00000009
>       WordXor          (0x00000001, 0x00000008) = 0x00000000
>       HackersDelightXor(0x00000001, 0x00000009) = 0x00000008
>       WordXor          (0x00000001, 0x00000009) = 0x00000000
>       FAILURE: 4294934529 of 4294967296 tests failed
> The measured failure of rate WordXor(), as a percentage, is 99.99923%.
> Notice that the two nested loops in the Modula-2 test program run from
> 1 to MAXTEST; if they are changed to start at 0, this is what happens:
>       % gm2 -g TestWordXor.mod && ./a.out
>       Test of WordXor()
>       WordXor(0xFFFF0000, 0x00FFFFFF) = 0x000000FF
>       RTExceptions.mod:686:35: In wholediv
>       RTExceptions.mod:686:35:illegal whole value exception
>       Abort (core dumped)
> A debugger traceback shows the call history:
>       % gdb a.out
>       (gdb) run
>       ...
>       Test of WordXor()
>       WordXor(0xFFFF0000, 0x00FFFFFF) = 0x000000FF
>       Thread 1 "a.out" received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
>       0x00007ffff79ca8c4 in m2log_BitWordOps_WordXor (left=0, right=0) at 
> ../../../../gcc-14-20240114/libgm2/libm2log/../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs-log/BitWordOps.mod:114
>       114     
> ../../../../gcc-14-20240114/libgm2/libm2log/../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs-log/BitWordOps.mod:
>  No such file or directory.
>       (gdb) where
>       #0  0x00007ffff79ca8c4 in m2log_BitWordOps_WordXor (left=0, right=0) at 
> ../../../../gcc-14-20240114/libgm2/libm2log/../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs-log/BitWordOps.mod:114
>       #1  0x0000000000402677 in _M2_TestWordXor_init (argc=1, 
> argv=0x7fffffffce88, envp=0x7fffffffce98) at TestWordXor.mod:49
>       #2  0x00007ffff779e75c in m2pim_M2Dependent_ConstructModules 
> (applicationmodule=<optimized out>, libname=<optimized out>, 
> overrideliborder=<optimized out>, argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffce88,
>           envp=0x7fffffffce98) at 
> ../../../../gcc-14-20240114/libgm2/libm2pim/../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/M2Dependent.mod:823
>       #3  0x00000000004031d5 in _M2_init (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffce88, 
> envp=0x7fffffffce98) at TestWordXor.mod:1
>       #4  0x000000000040323b in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffce88, 
> envp=0x7fffffffce98) at TestWordXor.mod:1
> The Modula-2 code is several times slower than the C version.  That
> gap could be narrowed if the bit operations were implemented via calls
> to C functions that compile into hardware operations, instead of the
> inefficient BITSET() implementation in BitWordOps.mod.

Hi Nelson,

many thanks for the bug report and example test code - all very useful.
With permission I'd like to file a bug report on bugzilla and then we
can track progress of the fix?

I'm in the process of re-implementing set arithmetic - so this test
(both functional and performance) is very timely.  I see that on a
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor reports:


Real Time (s)  USEOPERATOR   Command line
45.849         FALSE         gm2 TestWordXor2.mod
21.568         FALSE         gm2 -O2 TestWordXor2.mod
21.559         FALSE         gm2 -O3 TestWordXor2.mod
14.596         FALSE         gm2 -O1 -fm2-whole-program TestWordXor2.mod
14.586         FALSE         gm2 -O2 -fm2-whole-program TestWordXor2.mod
14.592         FALSE         gm2 -O3 -fm2-whole-program TestWordXor2.mod

53.678         TRUE          gm2 TestWordXor2.mod       (no failures seen)
1.034          TRUE          gm2 -O1 TestWordXor2.mod   (no failures seen)
0.004          TRUE          gm2 -O2 TestWordXor2.mod   (no failures seen)
0.004          TRUE          gm2 -O3 TestWordXor2.mod   (no failures seen)

I suspect the functional failure of the library is blocking the
optimiser (when USEOPERATOR = FALSE).  When USEOPERATOR = TRUE the
optimiser is able to remove the loops :-).  Certainly it will be
interesting to see what happens once the functional bugs have been

As part of the re-implementation of sets will be the ability to denote
modules as being inlined.  The -fm2-whole-program gives a flavour of how
this might perform - certainly the bit manipulation modules would be
candidates for inlining.  Worth noting that the ISO SYSTEM.SHIFT
procedure function will currently inline for any set <= word size.

I'll fix the bugs seen - thanks for the report


MODULE TestWordXor2 ;

FROM BitWordOps IMPORT WordAnd, WordOr, WordXor;
FROM CardinalIO IMPORT WriteLongCardinal;
FROM FIO        IMPORT FlushOutErr;
FROM NumberIO   IMPORT WriteHex;
FROM StrIO      IMPORT WriteLn, WriteString;

CONST MAXTEST = 65536;  (* run-time: -O3: 30 sec (no opt: 40 sec) on 3 GHz 
Intel Xeon *)
      MAXREPORT = 10;

    a, b, c, d, e, f: CARDINAL32;
    nerr, ntest : CARDINAL64;

    WriteHex(a, 8);
    WriteString(', 0x');
    WriteHex(b, 8);
    WriteString(') = 0x');
    WriteHex(c, 8);
END test ;

    WriteString('Test of WordXor()');

    ntest := 0;
    nerr := 0;

    a := 0FFFF0000H;
    b :=  00FFFFFFH;
    c := WordXor(a, b);
    test('WordXor', a, b, c);

    FOR a := 1 TO MAXTEST DO
        FOR b := 1 TO MAXTEST DO
            IF USEOPERATOR
               d := CARDINAL32 (BITSET (a) + BITSET (b)) ;
               e := CARDINAL32 (BITSET (a) * BITSET (b)) ;
               f := d - e ;
               c := CARDINAL32 (BITSET (a) / BITSET (b))
               d := WordOr(a, b);                (* see Hacker's Delight, 2nd 
ed., p. 16 *)
               e := WordAnd(a, b);
               f := d - e;                       (* f = XOR(a,b) *)
               c := WordXor(a, b);
            END ;

            (* WordXor() is broken in gm2-13 and gm2-14 up to January 2024 
releases *)
            (* It gets a zero-divide failure if either argument is 0 *)
            (* Avoid those cases, and report just the failing instances *)
            IF c <> f THEN
                IF nerr < MAXREPORT THEN
                    test('HackersDelightXor', a, b, f);
                    test('WordXor          ', a, b, c);

    IF nerr > 0 THEN
        WriteString('FAILURE: ');
        WriteLongCardinal(nerr, 0);
        WriteString(' of ');
        WriteLongCardinal(ntest, 0);
        WriteString(' tests failed')
        WriteString('SUCCESS: ALL ');
        WriteLongCardinal(ntest, 0);
        WriteString(' TESTS PASSED')


END TestWordXor2.

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