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Re: [Gnash] Patch to (partially) implement Actionscript Arrays

From: Michael Carlson
Subject: Re: [Gnash] Patch to (partially) implement Actionscript Arrays
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 20:30:11 +0800

On 1/21/06, Rob Savoye <address@hidden> wrote:
>    Thanks for the patch. I have it applied. It passes your test case,
> nor seems to break anything else, so I'll check it in shortly. Can I get
> a ChangeLog entry too please ? :-)

Glad to help. Something like this for the Changelog would be fine.
Make whatever minor changes you like to match the rest of the

2006-01-21 Michael Carlson <address@hidden>

        * server/action.cpp: Initial implementation of as_array_object
        ( get_member, set_member, push, pop, and length )

>    I'm just now working my way through the patches and bug reports that
> came in while I was gone. Sorry about that, but at least I had a good
> vacation. :-)

No problem, I just worried I was sending to a dead list. Glad to hear
your vacation was good. :-)

>    Just as a note, for ActionScript support, I've been trying to move
> towards the style used for the String class I added, which is separate
> source and header files. impl.cpp is huge enough as it is. Eventually it
> needs to be modularized as it can be hard to navigate.

I'm glad you brought this up. I also thought about this, the
action.cpp is huge and takes a little while to compile each time I
change it. One problem though, I don't know which file to edit to make
sure the new .cpp file compiles (and fits with the whole autoconf /
automake / etc. build setup). How do I add the new cpp file to be
compiled, or if I just send the new .h, .cpp, and patch modifying
action.cpp, will you take care of it (I'd still like to know how it
was done in this case)?

>    Sounds good! For "significant changes" you'll also need to file an
> assignment for the FSF. This is needed to incorporate changes into a
> GPL'd program. That info is at:

I hope to make significant changes in the future, so I think I'd like
to sign this sometime soon. The page you linked seems to refer to a
document available on GNU machines. I'd like to take a look at the
"request-assign.future" file, I'd appreciate it if you could send me a
copy over e-mail first so I can read through it. I'm located in China
right now (but I'm from the US, and will be returning in a couple of
months). Will this complicate matters at all regarding the mailing of
the documents or legal matters?

>    If you have a savannah account, I can add you as a project member so
> you can check in changes directly.

Glad to be a part of the project. I just registered for savannah, my
username is "corfe".

- Mike

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