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Re: [Gnash] Gnash on a 46 bit computer with Kubuntu

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: Re: [Gnash] Gnash on a 46 bit computer with Kubuntu
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 09:58:03 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051013)

Iker Perez de Albeniz - Txupete - wrote:

Im trying to install Gnash in a 64 bits computer with Kubuntu, i have
made ./configure correctly but when im going to compile it apears this

make[2]: RANLIB@: Command not found

I don't have an AMD64 GNU/Linux system, so I can't reproduce this. On my x86 Ubuntu system, ranlib appears to be installed in a non-normal location. "which ranlib" gives me /usr/bin/X11/ranlib, which is weird. For Ubuntu, I see three binutils packages, binutils, binutils-static, and binutils-avr.

Anyway, my basic point is find/install a version of ranlib on your system, and make sure it's in your shell path. If "which ranlib" returns something, you should be good. Then when you reconfigure, the configure script should find ranlib and use it. This error looks like it didn't find ranlib, (the error should be in the configure output), so it can't replace the @RANLIB@ autoconf variable definition.

An alternate way to specify which ranlib is to set RANLIB=[executable path] as a shell variable.

        - rob -

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