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[Gnash] moving away from container.h

From: Jim Garrison
Subject: [Gnash] moving away from container.h
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 15:40:37 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7-1.1.fc4 (X11/20050929)


The gnash manual currently says:

Libbase contains support classes used by the rest of the code. Among
    these classes is a small and efficient STL library clone that uses
    smart pointers. A current goal is to replace this small STL clone
    with standard STL containers to reduce the amount of code that has
    to be maintained, and to add functionality not existing in the
    current smaller implementation.

I would be willing to perform this migration from the classes in container.h to the standard STL classes. My plan is to do this in a few phases, beginning with replacing the array class by std::vector and then moving on to the hash class. Would you accept patches that do this, or would you like to do it yourself (or at a later date)? Also, what do I need to know about copyright assignment? I have already spent about 90 minutes working on this project to determine its feasibility, and if you would like me to work on this, I will have everything completed in the next two weeks.


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