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Re: [Gnash] gtkgl usability????

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: Re: [Gnash] gtkgl usability????
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 16:43:48 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (X11/20051201)

annonygmouse wrote:

The only problem so far is that the menu shows up corretly, but the
only menu option working is "quit gnash" (note, using the keyboard
does not work either (CTRL-P etc.).

Hum,. it works for me. :-) I can grab a movie with multiple frames and single step through it with either the mouse or the keyboard. There are a few print statements you can turn on to see what's going on. Try a different movie. Some movies are all in one frame, so there is nothing to step through.

00:47:23: getMember called against a value that does not cast to an
as_object: <c_function 0x2b19d929c9f0>
00:47:23: ERROR: error: call_method invoked in something that doesn't
cast to an as_object: N5gnash8as_valueE

This looks like there was something in the movie Gnash couldn't digest, probably an unimplemented method of an ActionScript class.

        - rob -

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