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Re: [Gnash] multilib 64-bit users

From: Jens Petersen
Subject: Re: [Gnash] multilib 64-bit users
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 12:56:50 +0900
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060501)

[sorry for the late followup]

Gian Paolo Mureddu wrote:
Anyone else having such problems? If the configure script can detect pkg-config, wouldn't it be better to use pkg-config instead for Linux systems to avoid all these issues? (just an idea, though)

I already suggested the same, but it was thought not to be portable enough... currently I use a hack patch to force it in.

is the current submission under review for Fedora Extras.

Personally I would like to see configure defaulting to pkgconfig if available and otherwise falling back to the current builtin detection.


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