I've been trying out gnash off and on since the project first started getting alot of public attention over 6 months ago... I lose track. Anyway, it's amazing how far it's come in that time. I'd like to say two things:
Awesome: For the first time ever for me, gnash is able to play all of the files in the testsuite cvs directory, along with quite a few simpler SWF files I've downloaded from the net. That's really great work everybody. It's also far quicker to render and far less sluggish over all, even on my secondary machine, an old
1.2 Celeron (currently running Ubuntu Edgy).
Ouch: While I can generally run anything at the moment, the past few days have seen a lockup appear, disappear, and then reappear (as I've updated from CVS). As of right now, every OTHER time I run gnash from the command line, it completely, and totally, locks my machine HARD from within Gnome. I run it once, watch the swf (or work with it, like the ones in actionscript under testsuite), exit gnash. Then run any other example, and the window generally never appears and the computer is totally frozen. No escape sequence releases it, the mouse is frozen, ... I have to hit the reset button. Any ideas there?