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[Gnash] Re: Gnash Logo

From: braydon fuller
Subject: [Gnash] Re: Gnash Logo
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 23:09:34 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20070828)

Hello all,

I've recently sent an email about volunteering/designing a logo for the Gnash project, and we've decided... we're gonna move forward, and see what we can come up with!

I've put together a brief for the identity project:


::Identity Project Team
Braydon Fuller (organization), Jordan Stark (design)

::Grand Goal
To give the Gnash project an identity that will help attract people to the community to help sustain a healthy maintenance of the project. The community includes: developers, users, designers, artists, funders, etc.

::About Gnash
Gnash, short for Gnu Flash Player, is a Free Software Flash Player. The project exists because their is a grave tragedy with the almost standard and widely used Adobe Flash player; we don’t have: The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to our needs (freedom 1); The freedom to improve the program, and release our improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3). The goal of the project is to support community and diversity by allowing anyone the access to be able to study, improve, adapt, propogate, and convey the software under the terms of the Gnu General Public License version 3 (or any later version at their choice).


::The Gnash Developers
Maintained by Rob Savoye. Other members of the current development team are Sandro Santilli, Bastiaan Jacques, Tomas Groth, Udo Giacomozzi, Hannes Mayr, Markus Gothe, Ann Barcomb, plus a host of others.

::Mailing Lists
gnash[at] is for discussion of Gnash.
This list typically has a low volume. To subscribe, go to

Identity Process / Timeline

Week 1 :: Initial Image Exploration Research
There is currently some available images at:
Please pull more sources.

Week 2 :: Direction Research: Word Exploration
Many words should be used to describe Gnash, a few should be selected, for further explorations.

Week 3 :: Form Research : Typographic Studies based on Words
To gain a better understanding of how the forms typographic combinations will need to be explored. Also studies should not be limited to only the letters in Gnash, but also it’s full name, Gnu Flash Player. The net should be cast wide to see a wide understanding of how the forms work together.

Week 4 :: Form Research : Form Studies based on Words
Form studies should explore ways of communicating the ideas around Gnash, the goal here is to cast the net as wide as possible for future fishing.

Week 5 :: Form Research : Color Studies
Color palettes, combinations, singles, etc. should be explored based on the words selected.

Week 6 :: Form Refinement : Narrowing, Combining, Merging, Selecting
Based on all of the amazing exploration and research, it’s time to refine. All options should be narrowed down into three killer directions, that are all equally at the same design level.

Week 7 :: Final Refinement
Upon choosing one direction further exploration will be needed in order to get the best possible result. Form variations should be explored, thin to narrow, light to soft, inverted to regular, color combinations, etc...

Week 8 :: Final : Finalized applications including
- Website Header horizontal, (or vertical)
- Square sizes for screen iconography: 128px128px, 64×64, 48×48, 32×32, 16×16
- Stickers (downloadable, print it yourself, or buy it) for laptops
- Lock-ups for Blog posts

Future :: Final : Other possible applications
- Sizes for print: as small as 1/2 an inch to a few feet in width (just in case)
- Posters (1, or 2 color)
- Pins (for clothing)
- Email signatures? (maybe a ascii text-only version??)
- Letterhead, Project Cards
- Faxes, Newspapers, Press (1 color)

Note: This is also available at:


Braydon Fuller
+1 626.298.6570 studio
+1 323.841.0048 mobile

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