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Re: [Gnash] Inquiry about possible porting of Gnash to Win CE/MIPS platf

From: Markus Gothe
Subject: Re: [Gnash] Inquiry about possible porting of Gnash to Win CE/MIPS platform..
Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 17:44:08 +0200

The AU1XXX is in the AMD Alchemy family right?

Making the Win32-code to Win CE 5.0 compatible should be to difficult afaik about Win CE.


On 10 May 2008, at 20:47, Rob Savoye wrote:

Clearview Technology wrote:

We have been working on a Win CE 5.0 and RMI AU1250 600MHZ CPU
platform for this device. I would like to know if there is any plans
for the porting of Gnash to this platform. The only player that our
device is "missing" is Flash.

 Never heard of the AU1250... I see it's MIPS32 compatible, so yes,
Gnash runs on several MIPS platforms, both 32 and 64 bit. While Gnash
does have win32 support, I've never tried it on Win CE at all. I do see
the AU1250 has a Linux port as well. I assume the Win CE API is quite
different from the one WinXP or Vista supports.

 Gnash conforms to POSIX and ANSI C++, so it's very portable. We've
also added support for using the MSVC++ compilers, so maybe Win CE isn't
that far off. Somehow I doubt you're ever going to see Adobe support the

If you would like to receive additional information on our device
please let me know and I will forward it.

 How about a demo unit with an SDK to play with ? :-)

- rob -

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