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[Gnash] Gnash 0.8.6 Released

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: [Gnash] Gnash 0.8.6 Released
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 15:01:50 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/

                        Gnash 0.8.6 Released!

Gnash is a GPLv3'd SWF movie player and browser plugin for
Firefox, Mozilla, and Konqueror. Gnash supports many SWF v7 features
and ActionScript 2 & 3 classes. with growing support for SWF versions
8-10. Gnash also runs on many GNU/Linux distributions, embedded
GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, non x86 processors, and 64 bit
architectures. There are also standalone players for GNOME or KDE
based desktops.

Improvements since the 0.8.5 release are:

    * TextSnapshot, Camera, Microphone, TextField and TextFormat
    * ASSetNative, ASSetNativeAccessor, ASconstructor implemented.
    * New utilities for finding input devices for Camera and Microphone.
    * PyGTK module support and Custom Gnash GTK widget.
    * Better A/V synchronization.
    * Various improvements to text handling and formatting.
    * Code refactoring:
          o large-scale refactoring of object and class creation for
            improved AS compatibility,
          o extension of native classes now works in many cases,
          o more compatible and slimmer DisplayObject classes,
          o improvements in parsing,
          o general reduction of Garbage Collection resources,
          o easier to implement new classes.
          o new ActionScript 2 & 3 test suite.
          o re-organization of all ActionScript classes into the proper
          o Stubs added for all ActionScript 3 classes.
    * Fix bitmap smoothing handling in AGG renderer.
    * Native and built-in functions properly separated, more native
      functions added.
    * AmigaOS4 support (gui and sound handler)
    * Fixes to XMLSocket crash and event order.
    * Performance improvement for SDL gui.
    * Corrected timing of various AS events, fixing various SWFs that
      rely on them.
    * Rudimentary AVM2 implementation.
    * Fixed bugs found since since the 0.8.5 release.
    * Improved RTMP support in Cygnal.
           o plugin support for server side scripts.
           o refactored network engine.

You can grab the Gnash sources from,
or from Gnash Bzr from the branch release_0_8_6. Binary packages for
Debian or RPM based systems will be available from your GNU/Linux
distribution, and from whatever BSD variant you are using.

        - rob -

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