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Re: [Gnash] trying to get started: configure complaints, and can't get g

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: Re: [Gnash] trying to get started: configure complaints, and can't get gtkglext
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 10:01:25 -0700
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On 11/19/09 09:38, Charles Campbell wrote:

Wow -- sure looks l ike a lot of things to install. Given the
troubles I'm having thus far...

  Yes, to compile any complex multi-media package requires lots of other

rpm --install gnash-0.8.5-1.i386.rpm

Btw, the current release is 0.8.6. 0.8.5 is close to a year old. Those dependencies are basically ffmpeg, libcurl, and boost.

And, this machine is a 64-bit machine; I think I'll try fighting the
 build process some more.

That makes no difference, I build on a 64 bit machine every day. The problem is more likely Centos. From what I remember, both Centos and Redhat Enterprise are both seriously lacking in support for any of the newer multimedia packages Gnash depends on. I stopped testing Gnash on both ages ago due to all the problems with out of date packages.

        - rob -

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