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[Gnatsweb-commit] sickle

From: Clementina Downey
Subject: [Gnatsweb-commit] sickle
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 17:47:45 +1100

Gursey replaced the lamp on the table and brushed the tumble ofwhite hair out of his eyes.
Theyd be there for the ironing-up any time. He was always looking round at the bush, back the way theyhad come, as though expecting someone.
Each word hadto be pulled out of his mouth with both hands, a laboriousbusiness.
A little snuffling nose that was running all the time completed hislook of abject misery.
For why was he hurrying to Winjee Creek now if he only wanted tocross the river?
Thefit was so violent that he had to lean against the wall for awhile.
Itll only be them dingoes, Robins said persuasively.
A skull had come up under his florid skin,his eyes had fallen in.
The lightning came again,and immediately after a dog barked. Suddenly he went hot and trembled all over.
Gursey stood near the window, Pete at thefarthest end of the table. Robins stood by watching, the axe across his shoulder. His bravado seemed to crush the spirit out of them. Gursey stood upunder the window and did not move. McGovern wont bring no lobsters here, Gursey said, and you knowwhy.
Robins, standing between Pete and Red, was the first to speak. The dogs followed with anincessant whining and barking. Davy, the shepherd, talked to himself in his bunk. A light wavered and the rectangle of doorway stood out against theebony plaque of darkness. Suddenly he went hot and trembled all over. Amoment of silence in which two strained shadows blackened the wall,motionless. Suddenly he got up and went outinto the darkness.
If yed take my advice, he said, the countrys good up thecoast. Here, Ive brought you those cattle and sheep.
Cabell wonderedfearfully as he rode out of the yard behind McGovern. Yet healways believed that he blundered through that night under themerciful hand of Heaven. From the depths of thescrub a mopoke cried harshly, a lonely, unanswered cry.

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