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Re: [gNewSense-users] mplayer backports

From: rek2GNU/Linux
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] mplayer backports
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 18:18:09 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird 2.0b1 (X11/20061210)

Paul mention on IRC something about creating a community repository that will be check for freedom etc etc.
I think is a good idea.
Paul may want to add to this at some point. so we can debate some ideas.

Chris F.

Tim Retout wrote:
On Sun, 2006-12-17 at 23:47 -0600, rek2GNU/Linux wrote:
Thanks Tim, hmmm I was considering creating some debs also what is the procedure for this? I mean not to create the debs... :-) but to be able to put it on the backports you like did?

To be clear, my personal repository is entirely unofficial. I'd like to
investigate creating some sort of backports system, though.

Erm, any ideas?

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