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[gNewSense-users] Translations Protocol

From: Daniel Boza
Subject: [gNewSense-users] Translations Protocol
Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 19:05:07 -0400

This is the translations protocol I proposed to the spanish mailing list. Is based on debian protocol, but a little tweaked for our needs. The "orders" are in english so other languages teams can use the same.

[ITT] (Intent To Translate)

    It's sent to indicate you are going to work in a translation, so double work can be avoided. If it's a web page you need to send the link.

[RFR] (Request For Review)

   This is used when the translation is finished and you are requesting others to review it. Sometimes a RFR2 can follow if big chances have been made to the document. If a person who reviewed the document didn't find any mistakes he should tell so.

[ITR] (Intent to Review)

   It's sent to announce that a translation is going to be revised.

[REV] (Revised)

   It's sent when a translation have been revised. The new document is attached to the message. The message should say the mistakes fixed.


   A document is translated and ready to be published.

The person that sent the ITR will be the one in charge. This means, if 7 days have passed and no one send a [REV] he have the decision to change the status of the translation to [DONE].

The document translated will be send in his original form. I mean by this send the html if it's a web page not a text document with the translation, but the original document with new text.

The pages translated will have an "es." prefix. Example, index.html >> es.index.html.

An example of a message to the list will be:

Subject: [ITT] (builder.html)

Message:  <<link to the page here>>

Please tell what do you think
Daniel Boza

Usuario Linux #403699
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